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Comment Propaganda (Score 2) 546

and which may have helped to prevent a 'hot' nuclear war.

Preventing escalation in hostility by acting in a hostile manner. Right. See? Spies are GOOD. When we spy on a country it means we're trying to be friends. Also black is white, 2+2 = 5, and Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

Comment Re:Ah hah (Score 1) 558

Feel free to check out the intel specifications on the CPU involved. Under memory specifications it says: Max Memory Size (dependent on memory type) 32 GB.

Now I know that theoretically a 64 bit CPU should be able to address 2^64 bytes, which is a very large number indeed. In practicality however I'm guessing they're saving on pins and/or using them for something else.

Comment Re:Ah hah (Score 1) 558

I think you're confusing the CPU's internal memory cache with system memory. While GP may have phrased his post poorly when he said "how do you get 64GB ram working on a 32GB CPU" it's pretty straightforward to realize that what he really meant was "how do you get 64GB of system RAM working with a CPU that was only designed to address at most 32GB of system RAM".

The memory "in" the CPU which you later refer to as cache is built into the CPU by the manufacturer. It is a place where the queue of instructions waiting to be processed are stored. You can't alter this amount of memory nor can you manipulate its contents (other than by using low level tricks to invalidate or reload the cache, etc). It has nothing to do with system RAM which is where your program's code and data exist, on top the BIOS, drivers and your operating system.

Comment Hang on a minute (Score 1) 637

Obviously some brains can process it, since some people are going around saying that there IS a threat. Therefore are you suggesting that there are actually two types of brain - the ones that can process it and the ones that can't? Wait, I can see what the next move is. Obviously we need to organize these brains in some sort of hierarchy and call one type superior and another type inferior. Perhaps if the inferior brains are unable to perceive the threat, then they should be censored somehow, and the decision making be left to only the superior brains... etc. Wait this is not a new argument. What does it remind me of again?

Comment Re:Old news.. (Score 0) 34

You're implying that women's bitchiness is inversely proportional to penis size. This fails to account for - single women who are very bitchy, single women who are not bitchy at all, lesbians who are usually bitchy, despite the use of large dildos and strap ons, etc.

Long story short - while you might have been moved to post through personal experience, correlation is not causation!

PS - this was supposed to be a joke. Smile!

Comment Re:Ah hah (Score 3, Funny) 558

That's why I like filling databases with garbage. The joke's on the people who actually pay money for such corrupt data. Oh well, caveat emptor.

Anyway my specs might be:

Intel Core i7-4470K, Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI, 64GB RAM, 3TB storage on SSD's and a couple high end graphics cards, or maybe I just copy pasted most of this stuff from some gamer website.

Ahh, to include the data or not to include?

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