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Comment Re:2015: Still using Facebook (Score 1) 80

So you're willing to sell off your privacy for a few bucks?

Parts of it, sure.

That's what you're doing if you didn't realize it.

Of course I realize what I'm giving up.

Same goes for any 'rewards club' type cards at retailers: You're giving them permission to gather personally identifiable data on you, for a few measly bucks. How does it feel knowing that there are complete strangers out there that think they know you because of the data they collect on you about purchasing habits?

It feels great sving money in exchange for something I place little value on. I DNFAG that Safeway knows I prefer Coke over Pepsi and that I buy the name-brand cheese that's on sale. I DNFAG that Facebook and Google buy this information and pair it with my driving habits and use it to try to feed me ads or sell it to other advertisers.

How will you feel about it when someone gets it wrong?

I won't care, no matter how outraged YOU get over it.

Comment Re:2015: Still using Facebook (Score 3, Insightful) 80

Why are people still using Facebook? Because other people are, and they use it as their medium to schedule events and coordinate activities.

90% of my Facebook activity is devoted to participation in a handful of secret/private groups, and the other 10% is responding to event invites -- some of which are "go, no-go," others are FCFS based on responses to the invites.

Also, I mostly DNGAF about Facebook (or Google, or whomever) knowing what flavor potato chip I prefer because I used my club card at the store. Google gave me $15.98 on their Opinion Rewards platform for knowing even MORE about me. Whee!

Comment Re:Perfect? Really? (Score 1) 340

If you ALWAYS play the math you cannot lose because no matter what crazy tricks your opponent tries to pull on you, the math will pan out.

Uh, no.

While playing the math is true for a limited subset of hands -- do I call a single bet on the turn (with one card to come) while drawing to the nut flush with 7 clean outs (non-board-pairing flush cards) every time the turn bet is less than 1/7th of the expected pot size? -- absolutely.

...but you can't possibly make solely math-based decisions for every hand. You can't just "math" to decide if TPTK is good on the river or not. You can't "math" to decide if your opponent is bluffing. [You can incorporate math in your decision for both of these things, but you can't use math and math alone to play poker.]

Comment Re:Only 30 Grand? (Score 1) 426

Insightful, I see...

So, ~$35,000 base (TFA), minus the federal credit puts the car around the same price as the $27,000 TDI, albeit with a requirement of having paid enough taxes the last year to claim the credit.

If you can get 55mpg out of diesel, you're paying about $2.30/gal (down over a dollar in the last year) or a bit over 4 cents mile. Assuming the Bolt has similar miles per kWh as other electrics, it too is going to get 4 miles to the 12.5c US average kWh, which costs a bit over 3 cents per mile.

So, yes, you only save $155/year in fuel costs over the most efficient gas car on the road. Your "gas station" moves to your house (plus any public location with chargers and front-row preferrential parking), you probably gain access to HOV lanes, and as long as you live in a part of the world that doesn't just burn coal for electricity, you pollute less too.

I, for one, enjoy unlimited HOV access while saving money and polluting less.

Comment Re:Perfect? Really? (Score 2, Interesting) 340

The best you can do with another robot is to tie.

Poppycock. Pure nonsense.

Another bot with the same 3 x 10^14 possible decisions could beat it over time based on play-style alone.

What's your decision tree say to do here when you're check-raised? Oh, it says fold? I've discovered that? Guess what happens now...

Comment Re:Perfect? Really? (Score 3, Interesting) 340

"Tells," for short, are hardly the end-all be-all of poker play.

Further, a well written poker robot would bluff a certain percentage of hands.

My only objection with the computer picking the best play strategy for 3 x 10^14 possible decisions is that in exactly the same situation, the right move would be, often, to make different choices, especially based on the makeup of the table, how your previous hands played, how the table reacted to those hands, etc. "Regardless of what its opponent does" leaves me skeptical.

I have no doubt that this can beat the field and win at poker. Bots have been doing that forever.

...but the right play in a limit game may be to 3-bet bluff or check-raise opponents based entirely on who they are or how they play. The entire idea that this bot is unbeatable, and a different bot with the same 3 x 10^14 decision tree and a different play-style (LAG/TAG) couldn't out-maneuver this bot is absurd. It's pure hubris by the team.

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