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Comment Naw, it's functioning as designed (Score 3, Insightful) 316

The US Constitution was written by a bunch of wealthy land owners. Our representative gov't was specifically designed to ensure they'd keep that land and that the rabble wouldn't get too uppity. They weren't shy about it either. You can read plenty of documents from the time where they talk about it.

Comment With few exceptions (Score 2) 316

Republicans are in favor of Civil Asset forfeiture laws. It fits in well with their tough anti-crime stance. So it's not much of stretch to see them opposing this. Even Rand Paul pretty quickly dropped his bill banning civil asset forfeiture (or at least quietly let it die, which is the same thing). This is the first real step taken towards ending the practice since it began.

The real question is: after 40 years of non-stop tax cuts (especially for top earners) how are we going to fill the gaping hole in local law enforcement budgets this'll leave?

Comment It's a badly written article/summary (Score 4, Insightful) 484

It's using the phrase "offshoring" to mean Americans losing jobs to cheaper foreign workers in general. Probably because by now everyone understands that "offshoring" == "bad".

It doesn't change the fact that the basic point (the death of American IT) is correct. If you can bring anyone in with an "Advanced STEM" degree then India will just open more schools to rubber stamp 'em. Race to the bottom.

Comment I think the problem is... (Score 2) 245

like most things once it's a large scale business somebody is going to look to cut corners. You don't do it directly. You just cut everybody's budgets until it happens "out of sight, out of mind". Heck, you don't even need to cut their budgets, just don't _raise_ them and wait for inflation to do it for you. At 2-5% every year that's a nice profit margin increase.

So you don't check/change the filtration equipment as much anymore. Your guys are working 16 hour shifts for 20% less than minimum wage 5 years ago thanks to inflation and driving them to work more hours. Suddenly stuff gets into the water that shouldn't. Maybe a few people get sick, maybe a few over 50 die....

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