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Comment OFF TO THE GULAG WITH YOU! (Score 1) 462

I would tell you that your friend isn't very well educated, because he clearly sucks at basic math and statistics. Please tell him to go get a job that he is actually qualified for.

Anti vaccination people should be shipped off somewhere where they can all be together and stop endangering the rest of the population. These people are doing the biological equivalent of firing guns in the air in the middle of a crowded city. Yeah, the chance of someone getting killed is low, but eventually if enough people do it, people will start dying. You want your kids to risk death or permanent disability? Fine, be a shitty parent, that's your choice. But your rights stop at the end of your nose. You don't have the right to put the rest of society at risk.

Ship em to fucking north Alaska.

Comment Honest politicians hard at work (Score 1) 214

Why aren't there penalties for attempts to introduce legislation that is blatantly illegal? Tesla should request that criminal conspiracy and racketeering charges be brought against the Ohio Dealers Association. Or at the very lease, the companies behind this should get a nice ass probing with the Sherman anti-trust act...

Comment virtual deflation? (Score 1) 371

The deflationary nature of Bitcoin and the fact that transactions can't be reversed pretty much guarantees that it will never be used as a currency, but those two features could be strengths if you think of Bitcoin as virtual gold.

BC is deflationary in the sense that there are a fixed number of BC that can exist, and as time passes more are revealed. They are used by humans, who have been growing at an (low,and variable, but) exponential rate, causing an increasing demand for them. I am going to say that the growing number of humans interested in BC will exceed the 'production' of new BC, so I am not sure that calling the currency 'deflationary' is quite accurate. Technically any currency is only inflationary or deflationary if the production of it is out of skew with the units of man hours of work that are being added or subtracted from the work pool at any given time.

Comment while (Boys Girls) Girls++; (Score 0) 445

But... Are there any social inequalities when it comes to female software engineers? Is the man somehow keeping chicks out of coding classes? Is the ol' boys club not allowing cooties to spoil their source?

yeah, kinda. It is documented that girls lose interest in STEM subject matter in elementary school, presumably because they pick up on society clues that 'women aren't supposed to like math'. We aren't spitting at them or threatening them for showing up to flip bits, but it isn't easy to swim against societies expectations. The (few) girls that I have meet that write code have been fairly unconventional individuals that didn't fit any traditional female archetype. It seems to me that the girls that are becoming coders are the types willing to fly in the face of society's traditional gender perceptions. So, yeah, there are.

Or to put it another way: if it was a 54/46% gender split, I could write it off and say that there isn't anything wrong. 90/10% split? Yeah, something is going on.

Comment Fuck the pope and the god he rode in on. (Score 1) 961

For the record, I believe euthanasia laws need modernized. But wishing mass deaths on people who don't share your views is just wrong.

But isn't that what euthanasia laws do? Aren't they wishing mass torture and agony on people who believe that it is ok to choose when to stop living? I think that you could make an excellent case that these laws are based on religious values ('suicide is a sin', thank you, all you Catholic assholes), and as such it violates the separation of church and state by outlawing it. This is no less than religious tyranny, dictating to people how they must die in order to appease some fictitious sky bully.

Comment Chess: stagnant and dull, AND full of assholes (Score 1) 284

Oh yeah, there was that other thing about competitive chess that I found annoying that I forgot to mention: Pretty much all the serious players are total assholes.

this is a really wonderfully complicated game that most people can't handle, so they try to put it down as "memoization" (sic) or "a solved game" shouldn't try to comment on things you don't understand.

I put it down as stale, so that means that I am not 'good enough' to understand it? Your comments call out anyone who disagrees with your opinion as to stupid to have a valid opinion. That is some amazing logic there, poindexter....

Comment Some boxer points (Score 1) 276

There are finite number of BC, and the population is growing. If at any given time 1% of the people are interested in BC, is the demand going to grow or shrink? Demand goes up, supply is fixed, and the price will rise. Pretty trivial economic theory.
An interesting form of currency would be one where the money in circulation was pegged to the population, so that demand would be based strictly off the perceived value and not the rarity of the currency as a result of X people needing to use it to trade goods and services, where X is a growing number.

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