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Comment Re:This will stifle innovation (Score 2) 396

First off, if Apple paid every patent owner that has a patent Apple infringes they would have to charge ten times as much as they do today. You talk about two patent owners when there are thousands of them, many with far more impressive patents than Apple has ever dreamt off. If a crappy feedback is worth billions what would patents regarding using the mobile phone to actually make a call be worth, a googolplex? You are totally missing the point.

My old SE 990i looked very similar to the iPhone a full year before it was even released. It had animations, capacitive touchscreen alone but thankfully not a web based interface. Side by side the two are very similar, but where the iPhone severely lacked many features it is slowly gaining and still has a lot to catch up with. There are countless of other phones to compare with outside the US that is strikingly similar.

Comment Re:This will stifle innovation (Score 1) 396

Ever heard of SonyEricsson? Didnt think so. They make mobile phones. There were ample amounts of SonyEricsson products to copy, and many aspects of them is similar in the iPhone. They should have sued the pants off of Apple but in those days people in the mobile business weren't dickheads like Apple.

Comment Re:rounded corners (Score 1) 396

I hope someone will make a phone like OpenMoko. I loved the design on it and i really miss the way it was very nice to hold in your hand.

In the end this might actually hurt Apple as someone is bound to come up with a better design and it will give even more choice in the echosystem while Apple is the communist version, you get once size fits all or nothing.

Comment Re:This will stifle innovation (Score 5, Insightful) 396

The problem is that whatever you might think of, someone has already a patent on it or a patent that's broad enough to cover what you do. Not because they ever thought of using the phone like you, but because they sought to cover as broad base as possible with their patent.

If Apple had been held to your standards they would never have gotten into the mobile industry at all since its impossible to build a mobile phone without infringing on thousands of patents on hardware alone from thousands of different companies and private inventors. If a fucking bounce effect costs billions to use, how fucking much do you think a fucking complete mobile phone would cost? Its not like Apple waddled into a vacuum and suddenly made a phone nobody had ever done before with never unheard of components.

Comment Re:Groklaw is too emotionally involved (Score 2) 506

Regardless of what you think, going back on all the other cases Groklaw has been following has made people like you put to shame. Every single time they are right on the money. Ofcourse they have to be wrong some time but so far, grade A+ every single time. Ill think i wait this one out and see who is right.

Comment Complete disconnection from the users. (Score 1) 235

Its stunning to see to what extent the Gnome developers refuse to listen to its longtime users, and distributions. One would imagine getting dropped out of a couple of distributions alone would make a warning bell ring. Together with rampant complaining throughout the user base, blogs, forums and reviews it should at least make them listen.

What we see now is total isolation. Any critic is whining, any defected user is an idiot. Its sad to see Gnome disappear and so much work wasted. At the same time there are a couple of projects that would really be served by more devs and users. LXDE for eg. is dead fast, slim, works very well but needs some final polishing to be really good. In the end its better when Gnome dies and work is put on a project that cares about having users. Gnome does not.

Comment Re:Cue the 1st amendment nuts (Score 1) 593

"Does anyone out there think they haven't been doing this for awhile? Who in their right mind doesn't think posts on FB are monitored, logged and evaluated?"

Yes, every single normal citizen still think they live in a free country where private communication is private until there is a reason to suspect them being criminals. They dont realize they are being treated like criminals and as trusted as a colombian drug lord.

Comment Re:"Witchunt" (Score 1) 915

First of all, a trial would make it painfully obvious it was not a rape. The Tweets and the SMS alone would free Assange in a heartbeat.

Second of all, since when did any country issue an international arrest warrant for a rape at all? Then if you manage to find one, please tell us when a country refused to come and question someone already in custody in another country?

Comment Re:"Witchunt" (Score 1) 915

1. In the deleted tweets from the sleeping woman, there are no indications whatsoever about any lack of, anything. Its more bragging than anything else. She is in fact so angry she takes him to a party! There are also purported to be SMS messages that tells a similar story. It was not until she knew about the second woman she got mad. Before that it was all roses.

2. They have not been kept apart, they even filed their statements jointly. Nowhere have there been anything that points to anything being separated anywhere.

The chance of Assange getting a fair trial in Sweden is about as big as The Pirate Bay had, but thats not the problem. The second the US demands him, he will be on a plane with a bag over his head. There is no question about that, Sweden is the US's bitch and has been for a long time. In the cables various Swedish politicians run to the US embassy and declare their willingness to kiss US ass. The very same people in power right now.

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 1) 1065

"The idea that a high-profile person such as Assange would be subject to extraordinary rendition while in Sweden is laughable."

Nope, all it would take is for the US to tell Sweden to do it and it would be just another rendition, not anything extraordinary. The prime goal in all of this is to get Assange to Sweden so that the US can get their hands on him without presenting any facts or evidence at all.

Comment Re:Unfortunately, UK has become Uncle Sam's lapdog (Score 1) 1065

Unless you have been hiding under a rock, you would know that most if not all political refugees does the exact same thing in other countries. This is not something new except that the West is the banana republic poeple have to flee. We are the bad guys now, some idiots just havent understood that yet.

Comment The problem lies in MS execution. (Score 1) 249

Microsofts problem is not that they cant come up with new stuff. Their biggest problem seems to be surfacing the second the upper management gets their hands on something and it gets killed in corporate politics and infighting. Microsoft has probably had ten, nay twenty people who has come up with something very close to both Android and iPhone, and Windows Phone was probably not that bad to start with. But, as soon as management got their hands on it it turned to crap.

Just as Microsoft Research, this unit is all about PR and will not get the chance to make anything. Any product they manage to come up with will die the death of a thousand PHB.

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