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Comment Re:When in Rome (Score 5, Interesting) 247

Maybe not Australia, but how about Russia? I suspect that Dmitry Sklyarov has maybe faded from our collective memory.

Quick summary: Sklyarov is Russian. He lived in Russia, where he worked for a Russian software company writing Russian software. In Russia.

One piece of Russian software he worked on while working for his Russian employer in Russia is something that would have run afoul of US copyright law, but it was out of US jurisdiction because the software was written by a Russian working for a Russian company in Russia.

Then Sklyarov made the mistake of coming to DefCon, where he, a Russian, was arrested for writing software that violated the Digital Millenium Copyright Act, which is out of jurisdiction in Russia, where he lived (as Russians tend to do) and worked for a Russian company writing Russian software, in Russia.

In short, he committed no crime because the law that was applied to him is out of jurisdiction.

Comment Re:Lots of weird crap coming out of Congress latel (Score 1) 517

What's weird about making the data from scientific studies publically available? Frankly, I think the data from all government funded research should be public domain.

There is nothing weird about it at all, and I agree with you 100%.

That said, not all research is public or publicly-funded. This bill will prevent the EPA from using non-public research, and that which is not publicly-funded lacks any lever with which to make it public. To give a concrete example, if this bill were to pass, the EPA will now not be able to consider the blend of chemicals in a fracturing fluid, because the information about what those chemicals are and why they are in the blend is proprietary information of the company doing the fracking.

Comment Re:The obvious solution (Score 1) 60

And you can guarantee that that fiber can't be tapped between the end points? Just because a network is isolated from the Internet doesn't mean it's completely secure.

It won't be necessary to tap the fiber. Some moron will plug their smartphone in to their computer to charge it and that will be the end of the airgap.

Comment Re:Idiotic (Score 1) 467

I won't beleaguer the point, but you need to be slapped on the ass with a dictionary.

beleagueredbeleaguering\-g(-)ri\ transitive verb 1: besiege 2: trouble, harass beleaguered parents, an economically beleaguered city

Sorry, how were you going to beseige, trouble or harass the point about needing to be slapped on the ass with a dictionary? I'd like to see how that works.

Comment Re:ran ISP built from a BBS in 1996 (Score 1) 631

In 1996, there was competition in Internet Service, because the ISPs didn't own the local loop; the local loop was owned by a party that was, at the time, disinterested in our transaction: they didn't care if I used Acme, Apex, Brandex or Joe Schmoe for my ISP. Hell, they didn't care if I even had an ISP at all.

By 2000, broadband connections had rolled out. They were irrevocably tied to a given ISP, and that ISP was therefore able to put all but the most resilient of dialup ISPs out of business. It would have been better if they offered connectivity, like the telco before them, and let us pick our ISP, especially if we could now, as then, do it on a whim by choosing a different number to dial.

I don't expect ever to get back to that level of flexibility, but I think the current clusterfuck monopoly is bullshit. Don't cry to me about the plight of the small ISP: you aren't available to me. I have a choice between massive corporation A or massive corporation B, and I'm luckier than most Americans to have that.

Comment Re:file transfer (Score 1) 466

Laplink might be a good choice. Another good choice, probably faster, would be to try to adapt the hard drive from the old machine to the new machine somehow.

I'm assuming the hard drive is IDE. If that's the case, a USB-ATA adapter would do it, or another choice would be a SATA-ATA adapter.

A third option (and the one I used to transfer files from my Amiga to my PC about 18 years ago) is to fire up a terminal progrom on both the old and new machines and connect them via their serial ports with a null-modem cable (Null modem cables are to serial what a crossover cable is to Ethernet). Then use a file transfer protocol like Zmodem to pass the data across the link. This one's pretty involved, though, so you will probably want to go with this one as a last resort.

Comment Re:Is Google a monopoly? (Score 1) 149

Close. It's more accurate to say that the Ford car is going to have Ford tyres on the hub and Ford petrol in the tank, and you can replace the tyres with Michelins and drain the tank and replace the Ford petrol with BP, if that's your preference, but it's a pain in the backside. It could be further complicated by Ford if they wanted to make sure that the tyres had a strange diametre or width and you had to use specific rims on the car because they used some kind of proprietary interlock that would make sure no other rims would fit the car. I've heard that one of the German carmakers does something like this, but I've never confirmed it.

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