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Comment Re:Only when Tesla .. (Score 1) 334

It's been available in the US as well. The annoying part is that omitting it is part of what brought down the price of solar arrays.

Around ten to twelve years ago, if you wanted a solar array, a battery bank was part of the picture. You would get ahold of a Xantrex or an Outback (I think there may have also been others, but these are the ones I recall) grid-tie inverter and a matching charge controller. It would use generated power first to charge your batteries, and then sell to the grid when the batteries are full. Running from grid-first or batteries-first was something you could configure depending on the capabilities of your equipment.

Then along came the "batteryless" inverters, and that's what almost everyone is using now. They are designed to treat the grid like a battery, and that works until you hit a certain level of saturation, which is what is now keeping electrical engineers up at night -- we may be approaching that level.

Comment Re:Not *battery* storage (Score 1) 334

Tempers have flared pointlessly here, so let me do my best to provide a simple, hopefully helpful answer.

The hot end of a Peltier device is heated by the heat that gets pumped (by the device) from the cold end. When you apply power to the device, it heats the hot end by moving heat from the cold end, which is how the cold end gets cold.

So you don't want to heat the hot end; you want to cool it, presumably using a heatsink and maybe a fan.

For bonus points, we can take a lesson from the mechanical aircons and do this: The cold end is going to have water condense on it. You need to dispose of that water, of course, but what you can do with some of it is use it to wet down the heatsinks on the hot side so that evaporative cooling is added to the mix. On a typical window aircon, the equivalent takes place in that the condensate is collected in a reservoir (the excess is what drips out of the bottom of the machine) and the outside fan will usually have a ring on it that splashes this water up onto the condenser coil (which is the hot end and heatsink of a mechanical aircon).

In the end, I don't know if your Peltier aircon would be more efficient or not, compared to a mechanical one, but it could be a worthwhile experiment. Just don't heat the hot end, because that's getting the ideas wrong.

Comment Re:Title (Score 1) 161

Yes, okay, I can see the point about noun vs. verb. I'm not sure that non-title capitalization would have helped, but now that you mention it, it is kind of a silly tradition.

I suppose this could have been cleared up by adding the word 'that', e.g. "Bolivia Demands that Assange Apologize". It's an assumed word in this particular context. Another option might have been "Bolivia Demands Apology from Assange" or some such. Really, though, this is semantics more than grammar.

Comment Re:Dumbasses. (Score 1) 441

Evidence of what you say: Around 1989 or so, the (conservative) Heritage Foundation proposes a mechanism for providing health care. A little over a decade later, (Republican) Mitt Romney successfully implements it in his home state while sitting as Governor. A few years later, (Democrat) Barrack Obama goes to implement it at a national level, and the Republican response is to do a 180, and try 54 times to shoot it down, cripple it, or otherwise turn it into a clusterfuck because they can't just let a Democrat succeed at anything.

Comment Re:C64 had a cassette drive (Score 1) 74

Actually, that was the point where you should hit Shift+Run/Stop, which would abort the tape load you might have inadvertently started.

Second thing to try was Run/Stop+Restore (and you had to hit Restore hard because it was designed to prevent accidental closure), to warm-reset the machine.

Then you restart.

. . . Unless, that is, you had one of the defective machines (there were, admittedly, a hell of a lot of them -- I went through 6 before I found one that worked worth a damn), the first step above should have gotten you out of that.

Comment Re:In UK you can go to prison for encryption (Score 2) 116

You need to use a deniable encryption system for this, then. Rubberhose comes immediately to mind, but it is no longer maintained.

Essentially, what it does is enable you to store several file systems in the same disk volume, which will have had its contents randomized in the formatting process. What blocks of the disk are used for each file system is not known until the key is provided. For that matter -- and this is the deniable part -- what file systems even exist is not knowable without having all of the keys.

So, they ask for a key, you give them one. They ask you for "the rest of the keys" you give them a few more, but there is no way to prove, one way or the other, that all of the keys have or have not been provided.

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