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Comment Re:credit to slashdot and brianna for doing this (Score 1) 557

i don't know who you are, you came and found me and sought me out here. you hide your identity, a coward. you accuse me based on a supposed longstanding awareness of my past (really just smearmongering insults). so are clearly a bully and a stalker

you are the warpath against me, a *warrior*, out to seek *justice* against my behavior on this *social* network

you're such a blind loser

Comment Re:Seriously... (Score 2, Insightful) 245

Simplistic solutions are attractive to bean counters, politicians, and even voters. All three groups are frequently unoccupied by unsophisticated people who may have certain degrees of tactical intelligence, but tend not be able to think through a given proposal, but rather look for things that are somehow emotionally or ideologically pleasing.

Comment Re:credit to slashdot and brianna for doing this (Score 1) 557

i think my description of people who engage in sexism is pretty objectively accurate. stupidity is actually something that exists in this world and actually forms the source of some people's low grade opinions. this is objectively true. someone who doesn't believe in climate change, for example, is a low information person fed propaganda rather than proof. they are therefore, objectively, low iq, stupid people. these are opinions and people you do not respect. not because i am disrespectful by default, but because such people have earned disrespect by having ignorance as their primary motivation. we don't live in a world where you don't get judged by having ignorant and stupid opinions. if you say something ignorant and stupid, is that really the same thing as ignorance and hate itself? if you say some thing stupid, i will call you stupid. you don't have to like that, but it doesn't make me the same as a stupid person

meanwhile, you seem pretty angry at me, a warrior almost, out to seek justice against me on this social network. and who lacks self awareness?

Comment credit to slashdot and brianna for doing this (Score -1, Flamebait) 557

the shitfest of low iq negativity that will result in, for example, the comments you will see around this one, did not dissuade them

kudos, and thank you brianna and slashdot

obviously, the tech world has a problem with sexism. we should and we shall work on that, and drag the morons kicking and screaming into reality and make workplaces and online experiences welcoming rather than igorant and cruel

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