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Comment My last 3 android phones have had this feature (Score 0) 70

Taking and transcribing voicemail? My last 3 phones, all Android and going back at least four years, have had this feature. Is Apple really that far behind, that this feature comes out as News, and what's more, implies that they invented it?

Christ, does anyone editing this site actually keep up with technology?

Comment Re:Greenspan (Score 1) 13

I cannot tell whether you're outing yourself as politically left of damn_registrars, or just trolling. Yours is a refined temper tantrum. I suggest you look at Greece, and ask yourself if your Nietzsche-Piven "Will to Diaper" is going to succeed in crying your way to a Socialist Paradise.
Your safety net is a false god, and your austerity an ersatz satan. But sheep are going to believe the lies of Socialists, and culture burned for political power, until the culture gets so weak it implodes completely.
Childish blame is the low road, rather than responsibility. By all means: take it.

Comment Re:Why is that illegal? (Score 4, Insightful) 238

You severely under-estimate the combined ability of the worlds scammers targeting a specific group... especially so with a group who have already shown they are prone to being manipulated.

No amount of stolen museum works or oil wells or side income from slave brothels/human trafficking would save them from total plunder.

Big pockets are all the better as lure the lure for more attacks.

Comment Greenspan (Score 1) 13

Deficit spending is simply a scheme for the confiscation of wealth. Gold stands in the way of this insidious process. It stands as a protector of property rights. If one grasps this, one has no difficulty in understanding the statists' antagonism toward the gold standard.

I'm all for the social safety net that is actually paid for, not lied about via borrowing. However, those into recreational genuflection have bought off on a medicare/social security plantation.
My recommendation is returning power to the states, where budgets are "balanced". The scare quotes acknowledge the speciousness of calling state budgets balanced when the public sector pensions aren't properly funded, and Janet's constantly yellin' for more printing at the Federal Reserve.

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