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User Journal

Journal Journal: UPDATED: That's GibGirl PMS to You! 5

YAYAYAYAYAY! I made it! As of Saturday night, I recieved my Halo 2 clan invite to join PMS Bravo - the second tier clan of PMS! They didn't need to ask me twice. :)

See me in the list!

Now it's time to get to know some of the other gals, and become a full part of one of the best known all-female gaming clans.

XBox (Games)

Journal Journal: i suX0Rs at halo 2 12

last night, i had a wonderful reminder of just how much i suck at halo 2. i'm attempting to join the pms clan - the most well-known all female clan (which i've found out is not actually related to the original quake pms clan, just continuing on in the same spirit)

Media (Apple)

Journal Journal: So, iBought an iPod 4

Well, it finally happened. It was just a matter of time. Inevitable, really.

I bought an iPod. Actually, techincally, we bought iPods. My other half and I each picked up a 30-gig iPod (photo). We had been talking about it for a while, and just suddenly had the urge to go do it. Sort of early anniversary presents for each of us.

User Journal

Journal Journal: So I Blew The Photo Contest 7

I would have taken some time to make some guesses, but I just kinda avoided the whole thing cause I was upset at the way I just gave myself away while trying to have a little anonymous fun. I don't know what's more embarassing - the inability to handle a simple checkbox, or what I said when I gave it all away.

So nobody even guessed me as anyone else, which was totally unsurprising.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Any Xbox Live Players Out There? 4

Just a couple days ago, it dawned on me that I didn't need to buy the starter kit to get on Xbox Live - since I have DSL, all I needed was to hook it up, and use the free 2 month trial included with Halo 2. So I did just that, and have joined the ranks of Xbox Live.

So, I figured I'd ask if there was anyone else out there amongst my Slashdot fans who are Xbox live players, so I can find some more people to play alongside in the future and hunt down for games.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Yay! I gots Dead Can Dance tix! 4

I just wanted to say that I am very excited - my birthday this year is going to be most wonderful. I just bought tickets to the Dead Can Dance show at The Paramount here in Seattle, which is on my birthday!

I never thought I'd get the chance to see them live, but the reunion tour they're doing has given me the chance! I've got Toward the Within, and watched the DVD in the box set, and I can tell the energy live is amazing - and I'll get to experience it firsthand!

User Journal

Journal Journal: Administration Showing Anti-Gay Bias 1

The following information was passed on to me via a GLBT mailing list that I was on, and it's very distressing. It makes me worry about the direction this country is headed under the current administration.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Another 700! 6

It's hard to believe it was only three weeks ago that I threw my first 700 series. And that I did it again last night, this time a 741.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Finally! What a Night! 3

Well, a couple people told me they thought I'd do it this season. I wasn't sure, especially since I choked the last couple times I was close, but last night finally did it!

XBox (Games)

Journal Journal: So I'm Finally Breaking Down... 3

..and getting an XBox. Yes, really.

My partner and I were staying at a friends' house for the weekend to watch their dogs while they were out of town. They have an XBox, and KOTOR. I'd seen some of it before, and felt like trying it. Well, I ended up playing for most of the weekend. Played long enough to have my character become a Jedi, and start to get to what appears to be the real meat of the game (the Star Forge and all that).

User Journal

Journal Journal: Purple + Black: 3 Week Mark

It's amazing what a change on your outlook just changing your hair color can have.

I did the purple and black for fun. It wasn't really on a whim, since I'd been thinking about it for a while, but it is a pretty radical change. It's not something that you see a lot of - except for a few neighborhoods in some cities (such as Capitol Hill in Seattle). So it stands out, and for someone who has rarely done anything to stand out, it has significant effects.

User Journal

Journal Journal: AudioScrobbler & GMail

First, I have GMail invites if anyone wants one and hasn't already got one - not like they're in short supply anymore.

Second, I have to say that AudioScrobbler is actually pretty darn cool. It's interesting to see the tracking of what I've been listening to, and how it's starting to match me up with people.

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