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Journal Journal: Mixed Modes

My last journal entry was a bit over the top with whining as Frisky070802 pointed out (though he was kind enough not to use the word "whine"). I have indeed become overly dependant on seeing my shows at a minimum of DVD quality, and had I made the effort I probably could have caught "Six Feet Under" Season 4 on a standard definition channel and taped it to (ughhh) VHS or archive Season 5 on VHS. Instead I am watching Season 5 now (in HD) and will catch Season 4 later.

Journal Journal: HBO - What are you thinking? 1

HBO - What are you thinking?

OK, here is the deal -- I like "Six Feet Under" the HBO drama a lot. HBO is now showing season 5 in HD, but I haven't seen season 4 yet. I've had HBO for close to a year now and I didn't see any season 4 episodes (I usually only check the HD offerings), and I can't just catch up on the season 4 episodes because they aren't out in DVD yet. Because the channel is encrypted I can't archive the episodes to watch later after I have watched season 4 when it comes ou


Journal Journal: Oh the Tholian webs we weave -- or -- Fiction as Lie 1

I don't know how sublime a realization this will be, but the topic of Star Trek and its various movies and spin-offs comes up semi frequently on . Chief complaints with modern Star Trek series are lack of continuity and various other inconsistencies. On the other end of the spectrum is Orson Scott Card's recently posted article Strange New World: No 'Star Trek'criticizing the original series for be

Journal Journal: Childhood's End 1

In wake of the seeming endless string of child abductions in Florida recently, Fox has been running a cautionary news report on the ease of strangers enticing children into accompany them. Watching the demonstrator tricking a child into following him in an excerpt from a training video was creepy to say the least. It certainly demonstrated the care parents should take in safe guarding their children.

Journal Journal: Death and Taxes --or-- Give them the Raspberry

I heard Neil Cavuto on Fox News the other day explaining why the Death Tax is wrong. This seems to be a constant drum beat with the Fox crowd. I have always been FOR the Estate Tax, but Neil almost had me for a second -- only a second.

Journal Journal: Sometimes even I don't Listen to Me 3

I had had it mind for sometime to do an essay on the deterioration of civility if political discourse over the years. I have recently been a part of an at times acrimonious thread of discussion on homeland security, so now seems the time to put pen to paper (err, um, fingers to keyboard). I'm not sure that my views on the subject of homeland security where correct, but I am sure the originator of the thread started with a very polarizing subject title.

Journal Journal: Super Hypocri-Size Me 2

While strolling through some blogs the other day I came across an entry about the documentary "Super Size Me". This was a bit of a coincidence as I had the very same movie on TV at the time, so I mentioned it to them in their comment section. Well that person wrote back asking me what I thought of the movie. So here is my response to them which I will share with you.

Journal Journal: Global Warming - Does it Matter? 1

There is a rather shrill debate going on currently about whether Global Warming is occurring and to what degree. Let me state my opinion on the matter, based on having seen arguments on both sides -- Global Warming is happening, but at a much smaller rate than predicted by Global Warming Alarmists, and will not speed up catastrophically soon.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Funny She Didn't Mention You...

Yawn, almost 4am, but I've finally got all the stuff transferred from that belongs in my spin-off blog Larry's Life and added the 7000 word new chapter I'd been working on "Funny She Didn't Mention You..." It's about a 13 page long description of my weekend three weeks ago in Indianapolis, so follow the link if you are up for a longish read.

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