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Journal DumbSwede's Journal: Gone All Eights

I've recently posted to my blog Bare Naked Larry seeing if I can create a new meme. I'm duplicating this excerpt from Going All Eights here to get more exposure.

From Merriam-Webster
Main Entry: meme
Pronunciation: 'mEm
Function: noun
Etymology: alteration of mimeme, from mim- (as in mimesis) + -eme : an idea, behavior, style, or usage that spreads from person to person within a culture

In a recent phone call to my cable TV provider I explained how my set top box had "gone all eights" in describing its untimely demise, the channel and time readout showing nothing but. It occurred to me that phrases like "gone all eights" or "going all eights" or "he went all eights" have a certain tech meme-appeal in describing either things or people that breakdown under stress. For those of you that are 1337 (leet) maybe "g0n 411 8s"

I did a Google search and didn't find that it is yet in use so help me -- Larry a.k.a. DumbSwede -- spread this new meme. Hopefully we will soon see it in the jargon watch column of Wired Magazine.

My previous attempt at creating a meme seems not to have been too successful, see: Piety by Proxy however I have not completely given up on this one, perhaps someone can suggest some catchier alteration or contraction of this phrase.

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Gone All Eights

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