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How many watched in 4K?  *Monday February 03, 2020 @01:31PM 1 2
   attached to Coffee Shop Refuses an Order Until the Customer Removes His AirPods
Back to the Future  *Friday November 22, 2019 @09:56AM  2
   attached to Elon Musk Unveils 'Cybertruck' Electric Pickup Truck
Saw The Movie and Read the Book  *Monday February 25, 2019 @09:26AM 1 4, Informative
   attached to Netflix Buys Rights To Stream Chinese Sci-Fi Blockbuster 'The Wandering Earth'
Don't care electronic or paper, but make it usable  *Monday February 18, 2019 @01:26PM  2
   attached to Bill and Melinda Gates: Textbooks Are Becoming Obsolete
Re: Or we could use the REAL data   *Thursday November 15, 2018 @12:07PM 1 2
RE: Or we could use the REAL data   *Thursday November 15, 2018 @11:16AM 2 2
   attached to Climate Change is Making Hurricanes Even More Destructive, Research Finds
This solution could be really "Cool"  *Monday October 29, 2018 @01:40PM  2
   attached to Forget Better Batteries, Nothing That Exists Or is in Development Can Store Energy as Well, And as Cheaply, as Compressed Air
It'll get better  *Wednesday October 24, 2018 @10:36AM 1 2
   attached to 'We Expected VR To Be Two To Three Times as Big', Says CCP Games CEO
Mostly Correct, some nits  *Thursday September 06, 2018 @09:06AM 3 3, Interesting
   attached to 'IMAX Enhanced' Promises Highest-Quality Image, Sound Experiences For Home Theater Setups
First things First  *Friday June 29, 2018 @04:44PM 1 3
   attached to We Still Have No Idea How To Eliminate More Than a Quarter of Energy Emissions
Hottest its been since the 60's  *Wednesday March 21, 2018 @09:41PM 3 3
   attached to Ask Slashdot: Were Developments In Technology More Exciting 30 Years Ago?
At Least Back to the Early 70's  *Tuesday March 06, 2018 @09:38AM  2
   attached to Flippy the Robot Takes Over Burger Duties At California Restaurant
You jest, but....  *Monday March 05, 2018 @09:28AM 1 2
   attached to Levi Strauss Replaces Human Sanding With Automated Lasers
Overwrought Concern  *Sunday February 25, 2018 @07:33PM 3 3
   attached to Automated Cars Are Not Able To Use the Automated Car Wash
Re:The New Brown Shirts  *Saturday February 24, 2018 @06:51AM  2, Insightful
The New Brown Shirts  *Friday February 23, 2018 @10:38PM 5 5, Insightful
   attached to NRA Gives Ajit Pai 'Courage Award' and Gun For 'Saving the Internet'
I'll say it -- I enjoyed it a lot  *Friday January 26, 2018 @04:16PM 3 4, Interesting
   attached to Netflix Executives Say 'Bright' Success Proves Film Critics Are 'Disconnected From Mass Appeal'
1.4 Way Low  *Monday January 22, 2018 @02:45PM 2 2
   attached to 'Reskilling Revolution Needed for the Millions of Jobs at Risk Due To Technological Disruption'
Firefox  *Thursday December 28, 2017 @03:15PM 4 2
   attached to Amazon's YouTube App on Fire TV Stops Working Ahead of Schedule
Re:Perfect the Enemy of the Good  *Friday November 17, 2017 @09:22PM  2
Perfect the Enemy of the Good  *Friday November 17, 2017 @01:04PM 1 2
Yes let the AI decide.  *Friday November 17, 2017 @09:54AM 2 5, Interesting
   attached to Stanford Trains AI To Diagnose Pneumonia Better Than a Radiologist In Just Two Months
Building  *Thursday November 16, 2017 @07:36PM 1 3
   attached to China Builds World's Fastest Hypersonic Wind Tunnel To Simulate Flight At 27,000 MPH
The Specs  *Saturday October 07, 2017 @07:49PM  4, Informative
   attached to Anticipating Samsung's AMOLED Mixed Reality Headset

In every hierarchy the cream rises until it sours. -- Dr. Laurence J. Peter
