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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 51 declined, 19 accepted (70 total, 27.14% accepted)


Submission + - python converted to javascript: executed in-browse (

lkcl writes: "Two independent projects Skulpt and Pyjamas are working to bring python to the web browser (and the javascript command-line) the hard way: as javascript. Skulpt already has a cool python prompt demo on its homepage; Pyjamas has a gwtcanvas demo port and a GChart 2.6 demo port. Using the 64-bit version of google v8 and PyV8, Pyjamas has just recently successfully run its python regression tests, converted to javascript, at the command-line. (Note: don't try any of the above SVG demos with FF2 or IE6: they will suck.)"

Submission + - Python version of GWT spawns port of GChart (

lkcl writes: "GChart is a sophisticated graph and charting library, written in java for the popular Google Web Toolkit framework. Using a semi-automated java to python conversion tool a reasonably useable but not entirely bug-free version of GChart's 19,000 lines of code has been ported, in under three days, to the Pyjamas Desktop/Web Widget Set. Whilst development is primarily taking place using Pyjamas-Desktop, an online demo of the javascript compiled version can be seen here (note: reduce performance expectations accordingly, if using IE6 or FF2)."

Submission + - Nerd Needs Help With Webkit Python Fiasco 1

lkcl writes: "I'm in need of slashdot advice and help, as I recognise that I'm taking the wrong approach. Background: I'm a free software developer and, to put it charitably, "I don't get out much" (i.e. I don't see why people have difficulty with what I do). As a result, I've been banned from about five major free software projects mailing lists, and blamed for causing problems (but often I then see reports months later, of other people encountering the same thing with the same team!). I decided a year ago to put python on a par with javascript when it comes to DOM bindings, and have ported pyjamas to XULrunner, webkit, and recently IE's MSHTML. The trouble I'm having is with webkit (webkit doesn't have DOM python bindings, but IE and XULRunner do). At around 300 comments, we've got past the roaring bun-fight stage, and just got to the point where things were finally moving along, when one of the webkit maintainers decided to engineer an excuse to disable my account. Ordinarily, I'd leave this alone, but I feel that this complex project — of making python truly the equal of javascript when it comes to web application development — is too important to just let it go. So — seriously: I'm not messing about, here; I'm not looking for an excuse to whinge; I truly need some advice and help because i am absolutely not going to quit on this one. What do you feel needs to be done, to get Webkit its free software python bindings?"

Submission + - Political and Technical implications of GitTorrent (

lkcl writes: "The GitTorrent Protocol (GTP) is a protocol for collaborative git repository distribution across the Internet. Git promises to be a distributed software management tool, where a repository can be distributed. Yet, the mechanisms used to date to actually "distribute", such as ssh, are very much still centralised. GitTorrent makes Git truly distributed. The initial plans are for reducing mirror loading, however the full plans include totally distributed development: no central mirrors whatsoever. PGP signing (an existing feature of git) and other web-of-trust-based mechanisms will take over from protocols on ports (e.g. ssh) as the access control "clearing house". The implications of a truly distributed revision control system are truly staggering: unrestricted software freedom. The playing field is levelled in so many ways, as "The Web Site" no longer becomes the central choke-point of control. Coming just in time for that all-encompassing Free Software revolution hinted at by The Rebellion Against Vista, this article will explain more fully some of the implications that make this quiet and technically brilliant project, GitTorrent, so important to Software Freedom, from both technical and political perspectives."

Submission + - Blurring of MVC lines: Programming the Web Browser (

lkcl writes: "An article outlining how the MVC concept is made incredibly awkward by the gradual but necessary introduction of Javascript and AJAX; a solution is found in the form of Javascript Compiler Technology such as GWT or Pyjamas (PyPy's JS backend or Rb2Js could be used, with some additional work). The article outlines how and why the traditional MVC patterns are fragmented by Javascript and AJAX, advocating that if a site is programmed purely in a high-level language that is then compiled to Javascript for the Web Browser sections, the same high-level source code can be executed either client-side on the browser, or server-side, or even both, depending on the requirements. The implications of this approach are discussed in depth."

Submission + - pyv8: python v8 bindings and py-to-js compiler (

lkcl writes: "pyv8 is an experimental project to combine two-way python bindings to v8 with the python-to-javascript compiler from pyjamas. a simple test has shown a ten times performance increase of python code compiled and executed as javascript, when compared to running the same program under the standard python interpreter. (to be fair, cython gives a 100 times performance increase, but cython isn't "standard" python). thanks to v8's external binding capability, pyv8 shows that it's possible to get fast speed and still have access to standard and third party external (c-based) python modules. conceivably, the same trick could be done with pypy. discussion on pyv8 is on pyjamas-dev"

Submission + - Nobel Peace Price 2006 Winner, and Free Software (

lkcl writes: "In Free Choice: the "Social Business" model and Free Software, a solution is proposed, to follow the advice and experience of the 2006 Nobel Peace Price Winner, Muhammad Yunus, to the issue of funding, sustaining and promoting the aims of Free Software in an ethical way. Muhammad Yunus founded the world-changing Grameen Microloan Bank, and his experience of nearly three decades led him to recommend a startling change to Capitalism: the Social Business. The article, the fifth in a series, outlines why it is that Free Software's aims fit much closer with the new Capitalist Business Model that Professor Yunus proposes."

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