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Comment Re:Left out a key piece of the original headline (Score 2) 193

Yes, on Slashdot, the majority of users promote the idea of unfettered access to their systems, coupled with education so you know what to do with it. Seems pretty consistent to me.

My kids have android tablets, I pointed out the feature to them, told them not to use it unless they had a good reason to, and to talk to me first. As their education improves, I expect them to ask me less. So far, the only sideloaded app they have is flash player. It's from the adobe site so I don't think it counts as malware - except for being flash. I expect it to be uninstalled once better tools become available to replace it.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 769

Old versions (Dec. 2013) of their systems can take a refillable filter of a variety of types, which you can add your own grounds to. This is a feature that may not be present in the newer versions, and also isn't available for Tassimo. And the single-serve coffee brewers that only take coffee grounds don't have the option of getting a variety of coffees and other beverages in easy-to-use containers.

I'm not saying their system is for everyone, but if you routinely don't drink more than a cup or two of whatever in a day, it makes more sense than a full pot brewer.

Comment Re:Go Amish? (Score 1) 664

Just because a car has software that was as expensive to produce as a jet's doesn't mean it has to cost the consumer that much. Cost to develop is only one factor. The other factor is units sold. There have been about 1000 Boeing 757s built, ever (747s have almost broken 1500). In the same time span, there were about 3 million Priuses built. If they spent the same amount on Prius software as they spent on software for the 757, they could price it at 1:3000 the price Boeing charges for the same profit. The ratio would be 1:2000 for the 747.

Now, you might say the comparisons are a bit off. I'm sure it is. But even is you spread the cost over those 3 million ECU's, that still leaves $100 million towards development costs (half the price of a $60 ECU, the other half devoted towards the ECU hardware). Merely $50 million if they insisted on 100% profits on that module. I think that could have gone a fair ways towards stopping the occasional stack overflow.

Comment Re:Common Carrier issue (Score 1) 361

I personally don't have problems with data shaping - for the right reasons. I don't care if my email goes through in 5 seconds or 5 minutes. And I believe the protocols are designed to display their priority. But shaping a video stream from provider A differently from a functionally equivalent video stream from provider B is against the premises of most people's understanding of what they're purchasing when they subscribe to an ISP.

Comment Re:Yes, let's put the gov't deeper into our pocket (Score 1) 597

You make two absurd assumptions. First, why would I put years toward something I don't like and has no prospect of buying me food afterwards? I think the average person would put time towards something they enjoy, and possibly be gainfully employed afterwards. Second, there are plenty of places with publicly funded education, to one degree or another. Not all of those places are crawling in debt, either. In fact, some of them have less national debt per capita than the US.

That said, it's generally not useful to plug in single elements of social reform without looking at the related factors. Yes, guaranteed money from the government without some control on what is allowed in changing fees can lead to unwanted profit-seeking. But then, you already have this with government guaranteed student loans, all the fun with your ISPs, health care, "too big to fail", and others. So why would you not want the benefits of socialized services? What you have now is like the worst of both worlds.

Comment Re:Tyranny (Score 1) 252

... I have no idea of how the police think they can force a US organization to comply with the rules if all the servers and staff are outside Finland.

Um, take a look at US police actions. From arresting a guy residing outside the US for mailing (marijuana) seeds to a US address after he was extradited, to considering telling an entire country whether they can have control of how drugs produced in their country are sold, I think they might have other opinions about what people who don't reside within their borders should do things. Canada also has some interesting laws, like enforcing Canadian laws on their citizens when they're in a different country.

Personally, I think you should only be beholden to follow the laws of the country you are currently in, so long as those laws aren't immoral. Breaking laws you believe to be immoral can have unpleasant consequences, but that's a choice each individual has to make on their own.

Comment Re:Liable *of not acting upon obvious infringement (Score 1) 164

Investigations cost money. If the registrar is making $30 a year on a domain, it isn't going to be worth a formal investigation. They might be concerned about getting a reputation as an 'easy takedown.'

Good news! Someone figured out a way to make ignoring complaints cost a lot more than $30! So, the questions for them are: Do I want to pay $300k and not even look at the site; or do I spend the 5 minutes it would take next time as part of processing the complaint and save myself the court fees?

Yes, they only make $30/year from each person, but I doubt they get complaints equivalent to each of them, either. Having some poor bastard who drew the short straw review complaints for half a day each month wouldn't cut into those profits too much, and would go a long way to reducing unexpected legal fees.

Comment Re:The more simple you make it the less complex it (Score 1) 876

Yes, and you could reasonably make a graphical interface for assembly language. Very simple tools with very simple connectors, mapping onto the real world (transistors, pins, registers, leads). The more abstract you get, the more explicit your instructions need to be to get reliable, reproducible, complex results. It's really hard to do that with predefined building blocks, unless part of your building block is a big chunk of very specific text, which sounds remarkably like code.

Another similar thing would be comparing movies to books. The richness, detail, and depth of a book just can't be done in film, in part because we don't want to sit there that long. But also, look at all the versions of a specific book that was done, each of which was done with the goal of being at least as good as the book, and how differently they turned out. This is something we don't want to have when we write code - we want the same results every time, with no limit to expression within the capabilities of the language/compiler/hardware/etc.

Another great example is language and writing itself. There's a reason the vast majority of the world went away from using pictures to describe concepts (words) - after a while you had a huge collection of pictures, and were still limited to doing more basic writing if you didn't have a clear idea of which picture referred to which concept. And so there was a decoupling between the concept (word) and the presentation of it (writing). C-A-T spells cat, but none of those parts have anything to do with the furry critter with pointy ears, whiskers, and a love for sleeping and chasing mice.

It's not that I think it would be impossible to make a visually mapped programming language, but the more abstract elements, particularly non-interface elements, would be just as difficult as they are today simply because they are abstract, difficult concepts.

Comment Re:Psh, jQuery. (Score 2) 573

So, your alternative is to write all the code yourself? Where do you draw the line? "Standard" libraries? Who defines standard, and for what? As a note, this is why libraries were made - lots of commonly used functions of a particular nature kept in one place - not for some threshold that I have to use before it's acceptable. Just how many calls to math.h do I have to make before it's alright to include it instead of hand-coding it myself?

I'm not completely disagreeing with your thinking, and that app you had inflicted on you sounds terrible. Also, when space (RAM and HDD) were at a premium, I would agree more than now. Even with our vast amounts of RAM, this is still a good reason to keep libraries small, focused, and tight. But I'd rather have a library used for some complex task than rely on a developer maintaining the security of a lone application. There will be plenty of bugs without adding more risk.

That said, I'm mostly with Panasonic on this one. Big library for a smaller device (it's not a full-blown computer), probably with limited use for it's target developers. The reason they give is rather poor.

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