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Comment Re:Good news (Score 2, Insightful) 171

It's not obvious to me why it's good for us to find complex off-Earth life. Unless it's a technology advanced species that can help us with our problems, I don't see any benefit to finding complex off-Earth life at all. What am I missing?

Hmm, here are a few reasons: The Vatican, Jerusalem, Mecca, the southern half of the United States, etc.

Comment Re:Beware? (Score 1) 265

LOL. You are one paranoid fruitcake. Your rant proves my point about drugs (and their users). How about you read this (obviously misinformation planted by the Greys out of Area 51, ha!):

Before you embarrass yourself further with rumors, opinions and urban legends I would suggest that you read a copy of the excellent book The Emperor Wears No Clothes by Jack Herer. The link is to the online version but it's worth getting the hard copy. This way you will be much more prepared at your next prohibition debate and maybe you just might learn something!

Comment Re:Before anyone says it: (Score 1) 413

For reference, what you are referring to is duct tape (used to seal heating and cooling ducts) in general and Duck Tape is a name brand of duct tape that came long after people who didn't know what it actually was kept calling it duck tape.

I believe this would be either be a whoosh or a unnecessarily detailed explanation for a very clear and simple joke.

Comment Re:Beware? (Score 4, Interesting) 265

The reason drugs are prohibited is because they destroy people physically and mentally.Check the medical research on the subject ('research' I said - not the 'opinion' of some doctors)

Drugs were originally prohibited as a tool to control Americans and immigrants of black and mexican persuasion. It than grew into a form of direct control of the population and a great source of funds for the enforcement/detainment industry and government 'Black Ops'.

Did you know LSD was designed to be the perfect drug that would not destroy your body (unlike opium) and not result in addiction. However, my understanding is it can lead to psychosis - sure it doesn't do it to everyone but the people it does it to have permanent mental damage.

LSD was discovered while searching for a drug to induce labor in pregnant women.
LSD does seem to cause psychosis, in people who have never done it. *Tips hat to Mr. Leary*

Even 'harmless' marijuana has psychological effects after prolonged use that outweigh the benefits.

Even if that was true, so what? Should there be a law to prevent me from smoking, drinking, eating junk food, watching too much TV... The government or you have no business to make decisions regarding what I choose to put into my body or mind.

You may already know this stuff, but many proponents of drugs don't. Personally I wouldn't care if people use drugs if it didn't damage themselves so much (and consequently you get methheads and people wasted on P doing all sorts of bad stuff - even worse than drunk driving). If people could be trusted to take recreational drugs responsibly (infrequent low doses, over 18 etc) then it'd be fine - problem is, most people suck at judging these things (hell, most people shouldn't be trusted with a cheque book or credit card) so the Nanny State has to make a blanket ruling to compensate for the suckage of the General Populace.

You go ahead and enjoy your Nanny state, scared little child. Meanwhile the smarter and less lazy of us will continue grow up and learn to take responsibility for ourselves, as grown-ups should.

Comment Re:"the each"?? Is proofreading too hard? (Score 0, Troll) 167

How the hell do people keep making mistakes with their english all over the internet? Are you really too busy to re-read what you've just written? "the each"?? really? Every time I read something like this I get a hiccup in my mind and have to mentally process what it is you're actually trying to say. Granted, it's minor and easy to figure out but it's annoying none the less. A little proofreading goes a long way towards legibility.

Go outside and get some air you miserable fuck.

Comment Re:Restrictions (Score 1) 107

Yeah, that's a meme isn't it? All authority figures are fascist thugs (particularly the ones that are actually everyday people)?

Or is that meme over on slashdot?

"Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely"
John Emerich Edward Dalberg Acton, first Baron Acton (1834-1902)

I didn't know that was a Slashdot meme. The Baron must have a really low user id.

Comment Re:good for portugal (Score 4, Insightful) 561

so yes: the notion of a "war" on drugs is stupid, but whatever you call it ("the cleanup on drugs", "the trash collection on drugs"?) you must realize something absolutely true: the reduction of drug use is an effort that will never end, whatever the tactics, forever

and if you don't know why drug use has to be constantly cleaned up, you don't know much about your world and human nature

You are sadly misinformed. Prohibition of any substance increases it's use, just look at your history books. The drug war, or whatever you choose to call it, has done nothing but increase dangerous drug use, criminalize otherwise law-abiding citizens, enabled a lucrative black market and seriously eroded civil rights.

Put down the kool-aid and do a google search or two.

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