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User Journal

Journal Journal: Future Location 9

The fact that slashboxes have stopped working and I didn't see links for writing journals in the beta has me thinking that the site will move away from the level of personalization that it had before. So I'm thinking through what I'll do as a replacement. The idea I keep coming back to is I may go ahead and use a subreddit as my new journal. It would be a place I could post - people could follow it and respond if they were interested. It's possible to set one up so that people can read and co

User Journal

Journal Journal: I Will Return 5

Next week my wife is in Antalya for a conference. The day after she gets back I fly to Manila. I start by going backwards - which I usually try to avoid but it was impossible this time. I go to Amsterdam, then to Tapei and finally I will arrive in Manila. The upside, I guess, is that Schipol is a nice airport. Not as nice as

Comment Re:If the Shoe Fits (Score 2) 47

This makes me wonder if anyone who has worked with PhoneGap has also worked just with Cordova and if what PhoneGap brings makes it worth it?

And would this mean that the google toolchain is basically another PhoneGap type tool?

If it's not obvious - I don't know a ton about either but I'm interested as it seems to be one of the few ways to really knock out some simple apps for Android and iOS rather than writing Java and Objective C.

Comment heh (Score 1) 3

that is funny.

I'm learning to navigate both systems and I interact with people daily that are used to both.

What kills me is when I say one and the context is off - for example I tell another American "It could be close to 30 tomorrow." and they say, "Celsius?" I want to smack them and say, "No - we are going to see a 60f drop in temperature over night."

I've got a ball park feel for Celsius now. It's easier for me to get a gut feeling for that over linear measurements. I'm still bad at looking at something and taking a guess as to how far it is in metric. I have to start with imperial and then convert.

Comment Re:good (Score 1) 5

We will be in Phoenix, where I grew up. In the summer the best bet will be Ben Avery as they have lights so we can shoot when it isn't so hot.

Or we'll go up north and find a good spot. That's the nice thing about all the public land there.

Comment heh (Score 1) 10

I own a few guns - they are in a safe in Arizona.
And if you'd asked me when I left the US if I'd ever say this, I'd tell you that you were crazy - but living in a place where I really don't need to think about this stuff and gun crime is for all intents and purposes non-existent is incredibly nice.
My cousin in Slovenia lives on a farm and hunts - so he has a nice shotgun, rifle and pistol. So it isn't that it's impossible - it's just unusual. And contrary to my expectations the results are very pleasant.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Bosch 5

When we moved to Hungary we had to buy appliances as Europeans believe in big power. And I wouldn't want to have shipped stuff like that anyway. We bought a refrigerator from Bosch because we figured it would be high quality.

The compressor on it died the 28th of December. We called out a guy and he informed us that he could replace it for about $250 or we could have it done under warranty. We thanked him and called the warranty people. They came out and told us it would take a

User Journal

Journal Journal: Setting up my AndroidStudio project on GitHub 4

I started a project to do my homework for the week in the Android class I'm taking. I've been doing the bulk of my work on a desktop machine in my office. This week-end I also set up a dev environment on my Fedora laptop at home. I don't want to have to monkey with copying files and carrying them back and forth so today I set up a GitHub repo so that I could use it to keep things in sync.

Comment Re:9.1 (Score 3, Interesting) 1009

I hate the hot corners and the swipe gestures.

And this is where windows really takes a beating - on my wife's very new Samsung ultrabook the drivers for the touchpad are borked and I can turn the crap off but it comes back after being shut down. That's not Microsoft's fault - but it doesn't matter. Just like people don't care when their nvidia card has problems on a linux box. I just want it to work. Paying $1500 for a machine and then going through all the grief I have to get it working, and ending up stuck with it not quite right makes Apple look a lot more attractive.

So it's not just that Windows 8/8.1 has problems- it's also that it's so hard to find a decent PC manufacturer.

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