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Comment Re:depends (Score 4, Insightful) 155

You mean like browsers and Javascript? In that case 99% of the population has lost already. The pwn2own competition results are rather miserable. The part that /. probably doesn't want to hear is that the primary effect is centralization and gatekeepers.

Take Usenet for example, it got overrun by spammers and trolls because there was no real way to block them and the few moderated groups basically meant a few people were in control of the discussion. Instead we moved to forums, where you could use CAPTCHAs and various other tricks to block mass sign-ups, moderation, flagging of abusive users and so on. They're not perfect, but they work okay.

Why do so many people use Facebook instead of email? Same thing, much less SPAM. For the longest time, Linux users hailed the repository model over the Windows "download random exe from the Internet" model. Then Apple took it to the extreme with the "one store to rule them all" and suddenly it was a problem. Even on Android you have to pass by huge warning lights to enable third party repositories and Windows Phone has as far as I know joined Apple in the "one store" model.

My guess is that they'll push it to the cloud so all the application code runs on a server and they just need to lock down the browser, more per user&app sandboxes, more difficult time running unsigned software and more users with computers that need Apple's, Microsoft's or Google's sign-off to run an application. The average user simply doesn't understand the micromanagement involved, same way users won't use NoScript when browsing the web. They'll "outsource" it.

Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 1) 1168

Trust me -- the small business bakery market will weed out those who want to miss great business opportunities and/or sales just because they don't want both figures on a cake wearing pants.

That depends on how much of peer pressure/boycott there is from your local church congregation and extended to their members to not shop at "gay friendly" stores and buy at stores that refuse gays service. From what I've understood the most successful such peer pressure in the US has been to make mainstream outlets "family friendly". Despite there obviously being a big market for adult material, they've managed to force adult stores out of malls, keep mainstream cinemas showing adult-only movies, video game stores from selling adult only-titles and so on simply by refusing to shop in any business that would touch it with a ten foot pole. You don't think the same can happen to a cake shop? I do.

Comment Re:Proof (Score 1) 137

So there is some circumstantial evidence and the conclusion that because the hack was executed at a high level, it must be the government. And then the accusation that China is motivated to take down Github, even though that is clearly a futile goal that never had any serious chance of working. Maybe for a few hours, but it's not like Github would just give up and close, and the projects it hosts would call it quits too. So it is so highly skilled that only a government could do it, but also incredibly naive and doomed to failure.

Comment Re:Good luck... (Score 2) 64

The short story from any seasoned admin perspective: 'Whatever platform *I* know the tools for is better than the platform that I don't know the tools for'. This applies to all the parent posts. The Windows guy thinks Linux isn't enterprise ready because he doesn't know the tools. The Linux guy is shocked to hear this because Windows in his experience is a pain in the ass.

Of course leaving out the small detail that basically every managed Windows desktop uses AD and Windows admins either know it or they don't. If I search for tools to centralized manage Linux machines, I get dozens of alternatives in the top 50 hits. Like with everything else on Linux, there is no single standard.

Comment Re:WWJD? (Score 2) 1168

Yep, especially since he was probably bisexual or just gay. The bible even says so, describing how he hung out with naked young men and lived with his BF for a while. I wish someone could invent a time machine just so we could get pictures of Jesus kissing another guy and force all the extremists to confront it.

Comment Re:He's just trolling (Score 1) 227

Microsoft is different because end users find the bugs and suffer the consequences of them. Failure to fix problems looks bad. On the other hand the NRC has every reason to keep issues quiet or ignore them if they are not public knowledge, and certainly little reason to go looking for them. As long as nothing really bad happens they will keep getting paid by the industry.

Comment Re:Moats are still a good idea (Score 1) 175

Water features also provide significant air quality benefits, especially if you aerate them. There's just lots of good reasons to implement them. Trees, as well; I cringe when I see posts permanently erected for vehicle control. Removable or sinking bollards, certainly. They have their purpose. But fixed ones?

Comment Re:Why people care about sports (Score 2) 167

So you truly have no comprehension of what makes sports popular do you? It's PRECISELY the fact that people think of these teams as "their team".

I like motorsports because I like motorsports, I don't care about any particular team. It's thrilling just to see it. That's what's great about stuff like world rally.

Comment Re:E, The most boring racing (Score 1) 167

F1 is incredibly expensive so they have to make the cars incorporate technology that will eventually filter down into production road cars, making it possible to view the sport as R&D. That's what drives most of the changes these days, a desire to test things like hybrid performance engines and new tyre technology. For example quite a few cars incorporate a version of the KERS system now.

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