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Comment Re:Flash and Silverlight (Score 1) 61

Frequently the bank forces the user to use exploitable means just to communicate with the bank.

IE6+ActiveX required, anyone?

If your bank requires you to use that steaming pile of fail, why haven't you left yet?

Wells Fargo used to throw up warnings when you used a browser they hadn't yet evaluated, but I think the rapid-release schedule taken by most browser vendors put a stop to that. Even then, it was just a didn't affect functionality.

Comment Re:Paid advertisement (Score 1, Insightful) 48

If you told me someone was selling draft beer supplies (or whatever this crap is), my first assumption would be that it was for bars and taverns, not for home use. Thanks for taking time to point out the obvious.

I take it you don't know any homebrewers, then. Kegging is a hell of a lot easier than bottling. That said, the usual insurance against a keg running out is...wait for it...having a second keg on tap. Cheap and low-tech.

Comment Re:Everyone loses (Score 2) 474

Why would they renege? Because they can, because they haven't yet delivered, because there is now nothing forcing them to deliver, and because they historically misrepresent both what they promised previously and what they are actually doing.
Don't believe an aggressive negotiator unless you are inspecting their actual deliverables.

Comment Re:Nope they are clever (Score 1) 336

Apple has locked it down? So what? How is that any different from the last several years where competitors have had NFC and payment support?

When the ISIS Association initially locked down NFC, it only locked down access to the NFC secure element. In other words, third party developers were still able to use NFC for other purposes, than making payment applications with it. In that sense, Apple is far more paranoid and repressive than ISIS itself.

As a user, I personally couldn't care less about the latest power struggle between big players. I just like to be able to read my Clipper card with it. And I just like to pair with my speakers/my headset, or my friends devices, without having to even think about it (or without being forced to buy NFC Bluetooth speakers at twice the price because they an exclusive deal with Apple).

Comment Re:More details (Score 2) 294

Most artificial sweeteners sold in powder form contain a simple sugar or starch to add bulk and give the product free-flowing granules more similar to sugar. Since saccharin, sucralose, and aspartame all taste hundreds of times sweeter than sugar, they are used in much lower amounts, with bulk added for the consumer-serving preparations so that you don't have to add micrograms of sweetener to your coffee to get the equivalent sweetness of sugar. Either glucose (usually listed as dextrose) or maltodextrin are generally used, which is interesting since it means that sugar substitutes generally contain a small amount of carbohydrates. The little single-serving packets tend to have about 3 (kilo)calories each; in the US, the FDA allows foods with less than 5 calories to be labeled as "zero calorie," so they generally are.

I note that this study did happen to use all powder-form sweeteners (dissolved in water) which means that there would some small amount carbohydrate in the solution. That's a perfectly reasonable way to run this study, since these are widely used preparations of these sweeteners, but I do wonder if there might be a difference with a genuinely digestible-carbohydrate-free preparation.

Comment Re:This won't amount to anything... (Score 1) 122

I was going to say the same thing. It's total rubbish in it's claims. Being just yet-another-linear combination of MiMo modes it provides no additional channel capacity. But there is the possibility that the demodulation/modulation methodology is easier to implement than other fast modulation schemes.

Comment Re:Finally, an honest Internet company (Score 1, Insightful) 71

Can we go ahead and explain to Uber and Lyft that they need taxi licenses and to pay their share or gtfo.

Explain all you want. In some cities, taxi medallions are no longer being sold and the supply of taxis is being artificially limited.

Personally, I live in San Francisco and I'm sick and tired of not being able to catch a cab during peak hours. So I end up have to drive my car to work and pay exorbitant parking fees whenever I have to go somewhere after work that's not easily reachable via public transportation.

And no, I'm not black, in case you were wondering. Although, I suspect that increasing the supply of taxi-like services like Uber would solve some of that problem as well. If there is an oversupply of taxis or taxi-like services, then these taxi drivers are actually much less able to discriminate.

Comment What is really happening here? (Score 1) 981

We are in a War on Faith, because Faith justifies anything and ISIS takes it to extremes. But in the end they are just a bigger version of Christian-dominated school boards that mess with the teaching of Evolution, or Mormon sponsors of anti-gay-marriage measures, or my Hebrew school teacher, an adult who slapped me as a 12-year-old for some unremembered offense against his faith.

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