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Comment Re:what would anyone do with 1691 tabs? (Score 3, Interesting) 210

I, a Chrome user, will happily answer.

I have a main set of tabs for news sites - Slashdot is one of them, CNN, BBC, Drudge, whatever I feel like monitoring - stocks for instance. This set includes pages to each of my web email accounts too. A second page full of tabs reaches to internal pages for various software setup for my home and HTPC type stuff - Plex, PlexPy, Webmin, my NAS, SAB, and a bunch of others to handle a few VMs. Sadly Chrome sux for ESX so I have some damned IE windows open for consoles and monitoring.

Then there's the other pages that vary wildly. I have a wide variety of interests. If I begin researching say wood flooring for my home that's a separate page or two filled with tabs. Do a google search on electrical wiring? Each result of interest is a new tab. Ditto' kitchen cabinets and other things. Then there's my various web forums for car interests, parts searches, research into various electronic projects, Youtube videos and well you get the idea. I tend to use a google search as an anchor and multiple tabs after as I dig in deeply.

Sessionbuddy allows me to keep these across sessions. My current largest saved session contains 517 tabs across 161 windows. This session is 24 windows and 114 tabs and I'm finding that it's not really too responsive right now 16gig memory and sadly cannot use more due to the OS version I'm running - grr! Oh my sessions are synched across hardware so my browsers all have the same plug-ins and I can pull window history too as needed.

I can use Sessionbuddy to find things of interest from past sessions if I close them to recover memory, I can hover over a minimized window to get a list of the windows and find a "project" and in general I find this works pretty well for me. IE cannot handle this, menu items disappear as memory runs low, FireFox used to just up and die losing my sessions, and Chrome simply handles it but has become slow and bloated over the past year or three. Hopefully they take note of FireFox's advances! Chrome, being more secure, is where I'll likely stay for a browser hoping that they trim some fat as FireFox has

So yeah, some of us find this pretty damned handy and use quite a few tabs. 1600 is pushing it but 500 was fine by me for sure :)

Comment Re:At one point (Score 1) 140

I'm sure he thinks he can broker a deal - the FSB will pinky swear promise that they won't spai and the CIA will do the same and go skipping into the sunset together arm in arm. Now those North Koreans are a little tricky but I'm sure with enough hand wringing he thinks he can get them to stop being meanies and put away their nuclear weapons. We might have to promise to buy them puppies or something but it'll be totally worth it for a safer world! What's that? Russia just invaded the rest of Ukraine?! But they prooomised not to do that!!!11! Maybe they needed the puppies more?

How do people think our elected officials know what's going on in the world if not by spying? Has no one ever looked at the CIA World Fact Book? Does no one understand WTF that is and why that kind of thing is important to a Govt? Okay maybe not this President but others for sure understood it. When Syria promises not to gas their citizens and we spot them preparing to gas a hospital do you think we figured that out by getting a phone call ahead of time? When North Korea readies a missile did we know because their Govt warned us or because we did something sneaky? How about when we hear that some dumbass is planning to bomb a plane and a warning gets put out - should we not spy to figure that out? After all those terrorists have rights to privacy right?

Every country does this. Every. Single. Country. When the United States says they exported X amount of oil does no one think that other countries aren't double checking our numbers by gathering intel just like we do theirs? One difference is our agencies aren't chartered to do it for economic gain unlike say France which has been caught at it how many times? I swear to God sometimes people remind me of a DEFCON talk I listened to where some dumbass kid was talking about "prepping for the fall of civilization" telling everyone he didn't "like guns" and would simply be nice and barter for food. Naive dumbass, guess who's going to be dead first and everything taken? Does no one leave their basement or something? The real world isn't kittens and puppies, our leaders need to be informed with facts not simply told by other Govts what's going on so yeah that sometimes means people do sneaky things. Yeesh! /rant

Comment Attempting to drop the service now.... (Score 1) 76

It's apparently "experiencing problems". Gee, I cannot imagine why! I had a decent chunk of storage backed up on their service and then they killed rclone. I was just about to begin using Duplicati and now this. So, after about 3 months of "service" I'm dropping them and have moved to Gdrive - currently uploading right now. Had I been able to use Duplicati I'd have kept both but now I'm a bit pissed - refund please!

Don't advertise something you cannot handle and don't raise the price to the Moon when you realize people will actually take you up on your offer either. A shame they dropped this but I've run without offsite backups for ten years so worse comes to worse I'm back to where I was.

Comment Re:Save 30%, retire early (Score 1) 557

A key is to save early. I've had to demonstrate that with a compounding interest spreadsheet to more than one guy - including one who literally told me he wasn't saving because he had "plenty of time for that later"! :-O

I was hit pretty hard during one of the crashes. I had been investing in individual stocks and more than one of those companies got CRUSHED. when they actually go out of business you lose it ALL lol. My current 401K is managed much much better and I've recovered but I sure wish I'd known then what I know now!

Comment Re:Who did they talk to? (Score 1) 557

Not too far behind you. I've saved my ass off my whole life and my home is nearly paid for. When it is I'll save some more and likely buy something somewhere cheaper and then GTFO. This wasn't luck, it was planning and it was saving and it was being satisfied with what I had instead of always trying to move up and up with my home. I hope it pays off and I'm happy to say I've at least enjoyed myself along the way as best I could. My biggest issue is knowing how much is "enough" and wondering when and if some jackass in the govt is going to decide to try and take what I've saved to pay for those who didn't

Comment Re:Dont use lastpass (Score 2) 415

I too use 1Password with DropBox integration vs their pay to play cloud service. I pay nothing and it updates DropBox which is accessible to all of my clients quickly. It can be used for secure notes and other things so all of those security questions that you do NOT put in truthful answers for can be remembered :) My passwords are generated by a different app and I use different passwords for nearly every site now. Get hacked once and you learn the hard way - took me an entire day to track down most of my accounts and fix them!

Someone below mentioned it leaking metadata through a .js file - that file doesn't exist on my DropBox, the .JS files that do don't contain anything cleartext.

Comment Re:Whistleblowers Defend Freedom (Score 3, Informative) 22

This isn't Pat's first rodeo, he wrote a book about the first one and at least one other. They took his clearance, they took his job, they did the same to his wife. Cost them their home and most of their friends but he's still at it and many of the things he wrote in his first book have been proven right. Not sure he's too worried about what they might do to him - he's already been there done that.

Comment Re:Seems to work! :-) (Score 1) 211

Her computer, shared bill for access, traffic tapped coming out of the computer in their home at her request. I had plenty evidence enough using browser history that was kept by IE despite his efforts to clear it. No snooping software was installed. We could prove he was cheating just based on that but the network traffic allowed her to find out times and catch him red-handed with a computer he had hidden. This after she confronted him with the browser evidence and he had sworn he'd stopped. My conscience is clear, some of the crap he was doing was extreme and it impacted the kids. Risk coming home with a disease and kill her? Not cool and I was happy to have helped. In the end he confessed and none of my efforts ended up in a courtroom. I simply helped her confirm he was a dirtbag and that it was time to pull the 'chute after years of BS. Removing doubt in her mind helped a great deal.

To be clear, this wasn't using any of my own infrastructure and no one comes to me for ISP type services. What I run on my own infrastructure for friends isn't anything naughty and they're all fully aware that I can see metadata. No different than any other web server in that regard!

Comment Re:Seems to work! :-) (Score 1) 211

You my friend are an idiot. Snooping? Find me a web server that doesn't contain logs, particularly for services that require authentication and don't specifically state they don't keep logs. Were I not paying attention I might not have known that an account had been shared and I might not be aware of someone breaking in were that to occur.

My friend's are well aware that I can see what occurs on MY infrastructure, when I need downtime and they're on it I warn them so it's pretty obvious. My neighbors don't have access - reading comprehension escapes you? This guy was never granted access, his access isn't valid. As for warning this tool - I might be saving him from a rather expensive and lengthy legal battle. Considering his profession I would certainly be saving his career as well.

I'm sorry if I didn't lay out all of these details to satisfy the anal retentive assholes like you, I wouldn't think it would be necessary since I clearly mentioned this was access to MY infrastructure that I was granting authenticated access to. Now, if I were a real prick I'd have mentioned his IP address for others to look at but THAT would be quite the asshole thing to do....

Comment Seems to work! :-) (Score 1) 211

As it happens I have a database that contains the IP addresses of many of my friends since they hit and authenticate with a server of mine. One of these folks is an older teen and has shared their account with their father who I know is not exactly someone I think much of.

Now, most of my friends are either very tech savvy or not tech savvy at all but this guy is just the sort I can see using Torrent software via word of mouth to download who knows what. I caught him cheating on his wife based on computer forensics I did for her and some network traffic tapped on their network at her behest. This guy is no super genius with computers for sure. Sure enough, the IPs of my friends all come up clean with this Russian service except this one guy. I laughed at some of the crap he's apparently been torrenting! You can certainly get a feel for someone's p0rn tastes based upon what they download!

I may have to warn him, gently, but in the meantime I'm laughing my ass off! :-) I can only imagine what would show up if someone input the exit point of a TOR node or of a VPN service!

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