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Comment Re:Lamar Smith, Christian Scientist (Score 1) 198

Rep Broun is hardly a valid example and I doubt anyone outside of his Georgia district has even heard of him.

Yet Republicans saw fit to appoint this young-Earth creationist to the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Science.

It doesn't matter whether or not anyone outside of Georgia heard of him. He was on the committee overseeing US science policy for chrissake.]

But even taking it as truth, Rubio did not say the earth was created 6 thousand years ago. He was talking about the length of the actual creation event.

Wait, the actual creation event? I'm pretty sure we're done here.

I know you prefer people that just give lip service to Christianity (Obama), but to discount people based on their belief in God is just as ridiculous

I don't discount people who believe in God. I discount people who believe the Earth was built in 7 days, 6000 years ago and want to oversee national policy on Science. Somebody please tell me here: Am I being unreasonable? What's next, having an anti-vaxxer who believes we are in the End Times running the Center for Disease Control? Because there are such people in the Republican Party, and prominent ones, too. Let me guess, you want...examples?

Comment Re:Lamar Smith, Christian Scientist (Score 1) 198


Yeah, yeah

Marco Rubio, (R-FL)



Among the faith-deranged, Rubio stands out. He briefly dumped one magic book for another, converting from Roman Catholicism to Mormonism and then back again. (Reporters take note: This is faith-fueled flip-flopping, which surely indicates a damning character flaw to be investigated. Flip-flopping of a different sort helped sink John Kerry’s 2004 presidential bid.) Yet even as a re-minted Catholic, Rubio cheats on the Pope with a megachurch in Miami called Christ Fellowship. As religion and politics blogger Bruce Wilson points out, Christ Fellowship is a hotbed of “demonology and exorcism, Young Earth creationism, and denial of evolution,” and is so intolerant it demands its prospective employees certify they are not “practicing homosexuals” and don’t cheat on their spouses. (Check out its manifesto under “About Us – What We Believe.”) As regards evolution, Rubio confesses that he’s “not a scientist” and so cannot presume to judge the fact of evolution on its merits, and holds that creationism should be taught in schools as just one of many “multiple theories” about our origins.

Representative Paul Broun (R-GA). Young Earth creationist and former member of the fucking House Committee on Science.

Here's a quote from a 2012 speech that Rep Broun gave:

"All that stuff I was taught about evolution and embryology and the Big Bang Theory, all that is lies straight from the pit of Hell. And it’s lies to try to keep me and all the folks who were taught that from understanding that they need a savior. You see, there are a lot of scientific data that I’ve found out as a scientist that actually show that this is really a young Earth. I don’t believe that the Earth’s but about 9,000 years old. I believe it was created in six days as we know them. That’s what the Bible says."

And, Mr. "Where is the Proof", if you don't believe my quote, here is a video of Rep Broun's entire speech:


Oh wait, the link doesn't work because it was taken down eight months before the 2014 elections.

But as long as we're rolling with Rep Broun, here's another quote from the same speech:

"And what I’ve come to learn is that it’s the manufacturer’s handbook, is what I call it. It teaches us how to run our lives individually, how to run our families, how to run our churches. But it teaches us how to run all of public policy and everything in society. And that’s the reason as your congressman I hold the Holy Bible as being the major directions to me of how I vote in Washington, D.C., and I’ll continue to do that."

[In 2014, Rep Broun left office to run for Saxby Chambliss' Senate seat from Georgia. May God have mercy on our souls.]

If you want more examples, I can provide them, but I've used up enough space doing simple Google searches that you could have done for yourself.

Comment Re:This is how you deregulate (Score 1) 54

You have yet to mention a thing relevant to libertarians or their beliefs on markets.

In addition to the instantaneous supply demand property - the grid is an electric circuit with ever changing loads that are both capacitive and inductive. Keeping power (both real and reactive) moving efficiently is a non-trivial task.

So this is hard? So is virtually everything we use markets for.

Regulated monopolies (in the US) have an "obligation to serve". If you want power the power company is not allowed to say no, even if the supply is insufficient.

They don't say "no", they just don't deliver at all. That's obviously a vast improvement. And of course, this has nothing to do with markets.

When Apple or Google can put up a data center in a few months from breaking ground to switching it on and draw energy equivalent to a steel mill, but new power plants require more than a decade to site, permit, build, test, and put in service the challenges can be daunting.

And most of the delay is due to California regulation. Again, we have that because this is "daunting", that somehow magically means it can't be done by a market.

Libertarian "markets good - regulation bad" can be as unhinged from reality as creationism. Its bad religion to pretend the world works in accordance with your faith regardless of the data. In these instances free market evangelism isn't an economic theory, its religion.

What data? What reality? I notice you don't bring any up yourself. It's annoying when libertarians are supposed to provide all this data and reality while their Slashdot critics can merely observe that electricity is hard and make up straw men on the fly.

Comment Re:people even read the article? (Score 1, Insightful) 171

And here come the psuedo-skeptics to attack anyone who even dares suggest what is in the interests of commercial entities may not entirely be in the interests of the wider society. I mean, God would never allow a universe to exist where humans could fuck themselves over. God wants unconstrained industries doing whatever the fuck they want, and we should just go and fucking kill anyone who ever even hints that maybe unconstrained resource extraction might possibly kind of potentially cause problems. Environmentalists are the only evil, and God loves money, CEOs, Koch brothers and AC's who post on Internet sites to condemn any concerns.

Oh, and Al Gore rapes bunnies!!!!!

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