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Comment Re: It's stupid (Score 1) 198

Yes. The last stuff I wrote that I couldn't compile today was in "Promal" or "Paradox". My C and C++ code from 1980 still builds and runs.

All of my web development is on Ruby on Rails. That environment has had a lot of development and I've had to port to new versions. So old code for RoR would not quite run out of the box, but it's close.

Comment It's stupid (Score 0) 198

Development with a proprietary language is ultimately harmful to your own interests, whether you make proprietary software for a profit or Free software.

The one thing every business needs is control. When you make it possible for another company to block your business, you lose control. Your options become limited. Solving business problems potentially becomes very costly, involving a complete rewrite.

The one thing that should be abundantly clear to everyone by now is that making your business dependent on Microsoft anything is ultimately a losing proposition. They have a long history of deprecating their own products after customers have built products upon them.

Comment Yes, it's free. Also, the patent system sucks (Score 2) 198

All Open Source licenses come with an implicit patent grant, it's an exhaustion doctrine in equitable law.

The problem is not patent holders who contribute to the code, you're protected from them. It's trolls who make no contribution and then sue.

Of course these same trolls sue regarding proprietary code as well.

Comment Re:Presumably (Score 1) 175

Mortars have pretty poor accuracy as well. As well, they are not line-of-sight, so you have to have knowledge of the exact range and a good characterization of the ballistic performance of the mortar; then you have to dial in the correct elevation.

An RPG you just point directly at the bloody target and fire.

Comment Re:Because obviously.. (Score 2) 161

Both are equally likely to produce useful counter-terrorism results.

The most effective thing to do for counter-terrorism is to keep blowing up families in the Middle East and occupying "holy lands". Keep bombing villages until democracy emerges.

To do so, we need ever-stronger Nation States, and giving them the ability to monitor all of their subjects' domestic communications is a good rung up on that ladder.

Also, Facebook is the real danger to world peace - so be very upset about their ad network and don't bother encrypting your traffic.

Comment Re:The Canadian middle class is dying out. (Score 2) 198

You blame the union members and the unions.

You blame them when the decision to sell shit products and ignore quality issues was an upper management problem, and remains to an upper management problem to this day.

Because if that responsibility doesn't lie with upper management, then why do they get paid fucking rockstar salaries? What do they do all day, financial masturbation?


Comment Re:QuikClot and Celox (Score 3, Insightful) 76

If this technology becomes common place, I expect those with crustacean allergies will be required to wear a red tag same as those with pencilin allergies.

It might even become practice to use it anyway and follow up with a treatment for the anaphylaxis, if the bleeding is severe enough. People can survive shellfish reactions with management - severe internal bleeding, not so much.

Comment Re:The value of technology investment (Score 1) 132

This is the first article I've seen that explains well how GPUs can/are being used for practical applications along with what can be achieved and some of the issues.

GPU's have been used for all sorts of "practical" computations for half a decade now, but the really interesting part here is that CFD has been particularly GPU-resistant using existing algorithms. See the Xeon Phi processor, etc. for non-GPU approaches to throwing dedicated hardware at the problem. It's easy to underestimate the enormity of this quote, but "starting from scratch" when necessary is something SpaceX excels at:

I am grateful to SpaceX for allowing us to basically start from scratch on CFD and in many ways reinventing the wheel.

It's hard to gain sufficient insight from TFA but it sounds like this is as big as hidden-line-removal in computer graphics and that they've moved CFD to the boundary conditions and made that GPU-computable, which is like solving two or three orders of magnitude at once.

Comment Re:Storage space isn't the problem. (Score 1) 93

Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out. The proper URL is http://www.freshports.org/sysutils/healthd/. Unfortunately all the links at that page are now dead and "there is no maintainer for this port". I will try it, with trepidation, though all other sensors related ports for FreeBSD appear to be garbage.

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