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Comment Re:He's right about the consoles taking too long (Score 1) 464

"a tri-core that nobody can program for"

Since when can nobody program for the Xbox 360?

Although MS is certainly working on a replacement what's the rush? Both the Xbox and PS3 still have plenty of engaging games that look awesome your typical 42" TV. Add to that all the online services like Netflix etc that they have been adding and what exactly are you missing out on? Spending money on new system that does what? Better graphics? Graphics don't make the game.

This longer period between new systems may frustrate graphic whores, not saying you are one, but it has lead to a stable console platform that gamers have gotten a lot of value out of. That's not such a bad thing especially when you look at all of the great games that continue to come out. Anyway that's my 2cents.

Comment Re:Here I come. (Score 1) 732

"IF I got my "benefits" as salary, I could be much more efficient in my health care dollars than Insurance."

Good idea.... until you get into a car accident or slip and fall and break your hip and have chronic long term pain. Or have some other serious medical condition and it drains your life savings within months. I'm sure some Americans could make that work but not most.

Fact: Most Americans are terrible at saving money, even ignoring the fact that salaries have been stagnating and our current situation makes saving difficult. If they enable "save and pay your own way" for everyone we'd all be doomed. The only solution is stop this partial Universal Healthcare crap and go Full Universal and abolish the current private Insurance system.

50 years from now they'll be looking back and wondering what the hell we were thinking allowing private insurance to screw us so badly for so very long.

Comment Why would that be? (Score 1) 225

"If people can't get their dev environment running, they won't dev apps"

Why wouldn't they be able to get their dev environment running? I understand what you are trying to say but realistically Apple does supply Xcode and any other tools needed to make apps on it's platform. If you don't like it Apple will just tell you to piss off like they do on everything else. It's not fair but then again Apple has never been about fair.


Former Facebook Employee Questions the Social Media Life 171

stevegee58 writes "The Washington Post published an interesting article about Facebook's employee #51, Katherine Losse. As an English major from Johns Hopkins, Losse wasn't the typical Facebook employee. But after starting in customer service, she later became Mark Zuckerberg's personal ghostwriter, penning blog posts in his name. The article traces Losse's growing disillusionment with social networking in general and Facebook in particular. After cashing out some FB stock, Losse resigned and moved to a rural West Texas town to get away from technology and focus on writing."

Comment That's why they want to repeal Affordable Care (Score 1) 233

When you A) have the best healthcare in the world B) have the healthcare companies/insurance sleazebags in your pocket and C) are able to trick people into voting against their own self interests why would you give a shit about the struggling masses without adequate Healthcare? Hence Mitch Fuckface McDickhead McConnell's amendment to a cybersecurity bill.


Submission + - Nearly 40% of Mac users no longer getting security updates (

bogie writes: With Mountain Lion shipped Snow Leopard has stopped getting security updates as shown in the lack of Safari 6 and its 121 security updates for Snow Leopard. Which begs the question, is it responsible for a company abandon almost 40% of it's users overnight and no longer provide them security updates without any warning or widespread public notification? Apple's silence on the topic and lack of a clear public security update policy has many security experts and end users concerned.

Comment Lame solution to a fixable problem (Score 1) 161

I love their solution. Instead of Easily fixing the problem, which btw is definitely possible, they tell you to upgrade to Windows 8 and Metro as an alternative. Um ok...

MS can blow me if they think that's somehow an acceptable alternative.They must really be desperate to get people to buy into Metro if they are pulling stunts like this.

Comment I know people are complaining (Score 3, Insightful) 196

But at least they are supporting linux with it vs not. The bottom line is when your trying to use Linux as your desktop OS and need to Skype with someone they don't want to hear "Just download X client and we'll use that instead of Skype". Maybe the people forcing you to run Skype to communicate with them should care about open standards but like most people they probably just want to use something that's familiar and easy to use.

Comment let me guess? (Score 1) 484

Still the f'ed up ui that ONLY works on on tablets, right? Pass. Its going to be an absolute nightmare for all of these poor people who order their Dell's and go "What the fuck is this shit? How do I navigate this thing?"

RIP Windows 7 the last sane MS Desktop OS
RIP Snow Leopard the lasr sane Mac OS

Comment Re:How about $40 for unlimited (Score 1) 376

Compared with Verizon's new bend you over and screw you dry plans, there are a ton of prepaid wireless company's that offer what Verizon is offering at half the price PLUS double the data. Boost, Virgin Mobile, just to name a few.

Their pricing may go up depending on their relationships with Verizon but they will all now clearly represent a better value than Verizon especially when you consider phone costs.

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