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Comment Re:False equivalence (Score 1) 886

Just get out of the closet and admit it - it's a choice to "be gay".

Stop being such a cunt.

I'm straight. I could choose to have sex with a man, there's a chance I could enjoy it, it might be nice. But I'm not attracted to men, I'm attracted to women.

That's not a choice, that's not something I made a conscious decision about. I make conscious decisions about whether to kiss someone, to hold them, to tie them up and tickle them with a furry cat toy.

So being straight isn't a lifestyle choice for me. Acting straight is. Why would being gay be any different?

Is that so hard to understand?

Comment Re:Here's MY test (Score 1) 522

You miss the point that people whose brains work in a specific way are more likely to enjoy and want to programming computers.

The person you were trying to mock highlighted that men are far more likely to have a brain that works that way.

As it happens that particular learning disability doesn't stop intelligent people working effectively with computers, only with people. So your other point that programming must be easier if mentally disabled people can do it is misplaced, flawed, ignorant and inflammatory.

Comment Re:You should title this "Patriot act to be repeal (Score 1) 188

I don't honestly see Jeb as having that much a chance, at least not if it were done today.

He's winning the money primary, which is the only one that really matters.

I also think there are a lot of folks in the US that just do not want another dynasty name in there, no more Clintons or Bushes.

Well, there's the problem, isn't it? It just doesn't matter that folks in the US think when it comes to US elections. The decisions are always made for us long before election day.

Comment Re:He's just in a hurry to get to the future (Score 1) 78

I don't vote party, except that I avoid both D and R whenever there's a candidate who doesn't want to put half the people I know in prison for smoking pot.

If anyone but Bruce Rauner had run against Quinn I would have voted for the Republican, becuase Quinn just wasn't a good governor. I think Rauner will be even worse, maybe even as bad as Ryan(R) or Blago(D), both were crooks. I don't know if Rauner is a crook but his policies are terrible. There were only two named on the ballot, so it was indeed a choice between two evils.

Look, Republicans are against the Social Security I paid into all my life and am now enjoying, against unions, without which I would have no pension, against the single payer health care system which has countries with it in place enjoying half the costs we face with far less infant mortality and longer life spans (Obamacare is really Romneycare in disguise); against the Medicare I again paid into and will get in a couple of years; against food stamps (that's simply un-Christian, yet they claim to be Christians?); against taxes (again, an un-Christian stance). Tell me, what Democrat views that the Republicans don't share are detrimental to me, a middle class retired guy?

But both parties are against pot legalization, for our insanely long copyrights, and quite a few more where there really isn't a valid choice.

Comment Re:What is bad about it being mandatory? (Score 1) 287

The terrible statistics show that people can't be trusted to drive correctly and safely.

That's strange. The statistics suggest that deaths are in the range of 6 car occupants dying per billion miles driven in the UK. At 60mph that means you'll average 200 years driving before you die.

I'd say that's pretty fucking extraordinarily safe, and if you want to prove otherwise I can only challenge you to you living for 200 years doing any other activity.

Comment Re:Is today Tuesday? (Score 1) 8

Well, when a child says bye-bye, it sounds like a contraction (b'bye), but bye-bye is not a contraction. It's more like Cory Doctorow spells sidewalk: side-walk. Wnat contraction uses a hyphen instead of an apostrophe? Not bye-bye, it isn't a contraction of anything.

As to "SyFy", that's a trademark, not a word. It only applies to that bad cable channel. Hi-fi and sci-fi aren't contractions of high fidelity and science fiction, but new words made out of old ones.

I guess that could argue the validity of e-mail and e-books, though.

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