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Comment Re:Probably Would Have Been Better off in China (Score 1) 936

USA is the best country in the world. There is no such thing as the bureaucratic empire of friends and servants of the law. Everyone is equal in the USA, but some people are more equal than others.

Police in other countries would just ask, if she has any money to pay for the phones or if she needs any help to bring them to her car.

Comment Re:Interesting censorship idea: self-incrimination (Score 1) 369

This is also bad for Google, because their image search will be bad now. They censor images that are clean, becasue some other dirty websites might have linked the images or published links to them on dirty pages.

The one who implemented this feature is not aware that a large portion of the censored images are actually very normal and not dirty in any way.

Yahoo is improving the assets at the moment. Google should not feel that safe for the play of monopoly on content.

Comment Hampering innovation (Score 0) 75

Hampering innovation is what the patents are doing by design.

The politicians say that the costs are going to be lower, which means that anyone can hamper innovation 80% cheaper now.
The politicians say that it is going to be easy to patent stuff, which means that anyone can hamper innovation faster.
The politicians say that the patents are going to be approved centrally, which means that the fees from patents are going to channeled to some guy who will be the head of the new patent approval organization.

Conclusion : It will be cheaper, easier and faster to transfer money to that new Unitary Patent Organization, that is so happy to take away the fees from other, existing patent organizations. From the outside, if just looks, as if the bureaucrats are fighting for bigger parts of the cake between themselves.

Comment Re:That's great... (Score 2) 151

Correct. We should use our common sense in here.
Hot coffee can actually increase the chances of cancer, if you burn your tissue way too often.

The coffee producers funded a study that said that hot tea can create cancer. Now they funded a study that promotes coffee, but actually the tea is far more superior than coffee against cancer, because it can be blended and have multiple effects, instead of one. Most of the medicine was extracted from herbs. And most of tea is made from herbs too.

The most healthiest coffee is probably the non-roasted, green coffee that is blended with mate and honey.

Comment Light wins over electricity. (Score 1) 71

First there were horses, then steam, then gas, now electricity and soon light. It seems that all technology will be powered by electricity and eventually by light some day, becasue it is the fastest and cheapest to do. Look at the price of horses, gasoline, metal and copper for arguments.

Comment Re:Airship Ventures Out Of Business (Score 1) 231

Aeros Craft is nothing like the Airship Ventures. Their boss is a former Russian immigrant and an aviation geek, who came to US and realized his dream of building an Airship. They have been in business for a long time until they could build this big airship, which is delayed for a year already. Their website did not explain why the delay came, but I would guess that they needed more money and had trouble to sell their existing products in the time of the financial crisis.

Aeros Craft is a serious company that has serious leaders and engineers. In comparison to that, Airship Ventures did not have the experience with issues and not enough design expertise.

Imagine that you could board that airship in LA or so and sleep in it comfortably over night and be in Peru or Ecuador on the next day. This would be much more comfortable, becasue you would have the option to lie down in a ship like this.

Lord of the Rings

Journal Journal: Gandalf in the car wash

I used my Gimp pimp force and made this: Gandalf in the car wash.

The original drawing was by a math teacher in high school, who loved to tell a story about how, before he handed out the final exam for the highest level calc class in the school, he stood at the front, raised the exams above his head, and shouted "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!"

Needless to say he scared the shit out of a few people.

Comment Re: Comercial too (Score 1) 258

The future version will have:

SATA-II, Gigabit Ethernet, HDMI 1.4, NAND Flash, DDR3 32-bit @ 1333mhz, USB-3, USB-OTG, I2S, I2C, RS232, SD/MMC, GPIO, PWMs and so on - all the things to be expected of a modern general-purpose mass-volume System-on-a-Chip.

This is going to be one very popular chip for embedded devices !

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