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Comment Re:Why ODF? (Score 1) 164


ASCII was incorporated into the Unicode character set as the first 128 symbols, so the 7-bit ASCII characters have the same numeric codes in both sets. This allows UTF-8 to be backward compatible with 7-bit ASCII, as a UTF-8 file containing only ASCII characters is identical to an ASCII file containing the same sequence of characters. Even more importantly, forward compatibility is ensured as software that recognizes only 7-bit ASCII characters as special and does not alter bytes with the highest bit set (as is often done to support 8-bit ASCII extensions such as ISO-8859-1) will preserve UTF-8 data unchanged.

Please describe all the platforms you presently use which do not support ASCII, and please provide statistics on the market presence for such platforms.

Comment Re:Ok (Score 1) 83

Does your shop have a relatively narrow development scope? Over the course of my career, I've found that single language shops are either fairly tightly tied to a small set of problem domains, or they're full of people who see every problem as a nail so to speak. The latter condition is an unfortunate state of inflexibility that tends to extend into other areas, including higher level systems work and network architecture. I'm not saying your organization suffers from that affliction, but I would like to understand a bit more about the sort of development your team does. For the record, I'm a big fan of mature systems in general, and for most of my work various combinations of Perl, Bash, C, and Python gets the job done (usually in that order).

Comment Re:The Existence of a "United States of America" (Score 1) 231

I'm 33 and have three children, two daughters and a son. I am interested in teaching them science, mathematics, literature, history, and how to think for themselves. I'm also interested in teaching each of them how to grow food, clean and shoot a rifle, clean and cook small game, and build things with their own hands. Political and economic conditions aside, I believe these are all things children should learn. What are you teaching your children?

Comment Re:Snowden's copies? (Score 1) 231

To be perfectly clear, Snowden is actually in possession of some emails. That much has been known for some time. You know exactly what I'm talking about when I speak to the probability that he is in possession of copies of all his correspondence (extremely low), especially copies which could be authenticated via certain means. Again, you know exactly what I'm talking about here, and you're simply being disingenuous.

Comment Re:Snowden's copies? (Score 1) 231

Owing to my prior service in uniform and long standing experience in both private and public sector information security, I have a very good idea of why he isn't in possession of those emails. I'm fairly certain you have the same understanding, but you've elected to take the disingenuous route of raising this rather ridiculous question, being secure in your belief the populace at large doesn't have the same benefit of experience. I'll ask the same question I asked you in my last reply: what do you presently do for a living, and what have you done in the past?

Comment Re:The Existence of a "United States of America" (Score 1) 231

What's truly sad to me is the fact that you and I have agreed on so many things in the past. It's sad because I am in vehement opposition to your views in this discussion. I must ask you a simple question: what do you presently do for a living, and what have you done in the past? Thank you.

Comment Re:The Existence of a "United States of America" (Score 4, Interesting) 231

A federal judge has ruled the mass (meta)data collection activities of the NSA to be unconstitutional. The RNC has pushed for legislation to explicitly declare it so. The more disturbing point here is that the Constitution, which explicitly defines limits to the powers of government, existed long before the NSA. It has simply been ignored, and entirely too many people seem to be ignorant of this fact or simply don't care. Given the protections afforded in the Constitution, I challenge you to justify the legality of massive collection of private information on United States citizens by government agents without warrant or due process.

Comment Re:The Existence of a "United States of America" (Score 5, Interesting) 231

To clarify my last response, I once wore a uniform for this nation and swore an oath uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I have no interest in staying in a nation full of people who are completely ignorant of their rights and obligations as citizens, a nation where the majority of the population is far too apathetic to care about those rights being trampled. I'll be here as long as it takes to build a solid foundation elsewhere, which is a work in progress, and I'm gone after that. I'm a fairly smart guy, and I have fairly diverse skills that I can utilize anywhere on the planet to provide for my loved ones. There are still a few places left where people care about individualism and rights. Not many, but a few.

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