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Comment Re:FFS (Score 1) 450

I imagine vendors that have a port replicator (power, display, ethernet, SD reader, and multiple USB ports -- all the stuff that one would expect on a laptop) that works with the new USB-C connector will sell quite a few of them.

Comment Re:I'm already invisible (Score 1) 150

I know. But it's not so much about "complain about not getting in their pants" as much as the total absence of anything resembling politeness by most people, especially women these days. Oh well, I guess I can always charge up with some greasy chili containing lots of beans & onions to make their evening a memorable one. :) That was usually a good way to keep the drunks away when I used to record shows for bands.

Comment Re:Is it just me... (Score 2, Interesting) 496

Also, explain to this Canadian why NASA is researching climate. Isn't NOAA supposed to be the agency for that?

When I worked at a US Geological Survey office that also archives all the US Govt satellite and aerial imagery, there was a memo that was sent out around 1993 or so. All research projects had to show how they were helping the study of global climate change. If they didn't, they were candidates for having their funding cut. The only exceptions were the ones that were being paid by external agencies or governments. So NASA is researching it for the same reason other agencies are: they have some expertise that can be useful and the funding keeps other projects alive.

Comment Re:As a proportion of the budget... (Score 1) 287

The key phrase is: non-military discretionary spending. Medicare, Social Security, interest on the national debt, Federal pensions, entitlements, etc. are all considered "mandatory spending", not discretionary. It is also about 2/3 of all Federal spending. The discretionary stuff is what most of the political fighting is over and it isn't what is driving the increase in the debt. Yes, the percentage of that remaining 1/3 that's being spent on NASA has gone down in part to the expansion of government since the 60's. If NASA could spend that $18 billion without having to scatter it across a huge number of Congressional districts, they might be able to use what they have more effectively. Until then, they need a better excuse for pork spending on NASA instead of some other pet project.

Comment Re:Optometrist? (Score 1) 464

And they'll pull out a chart or some sort of pamphlet that shows the "correct" way of having a computer set up. Of course this is usually something that's impractical with the desk layout and any number of different things. I eventually got used to the progressive lenses that were prescribed to me, but I've found that for computer work, I use the "distance" part of the lenses and end up looking over the top of them for up close work because that's easier than using the "near" part of the progressive lenses. I also just keep them at work and have regular glasses for home. They also said that I'd need one pair of those if I ever did anything like use a recliner for watching TV. IMHO, they probably look better than bifocals, but they're not as useful due to the blurry spots.

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