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Comment We already know the details (Score 3, Informative) 40

For those paying attention, Elon's already laid out roughly how it's going to work:


Everyday Astronaut
Replying to
Under two conditions. It’s only available for a few minutes, 5-10 mins. And when an edit is made, there’s a small link that shows the edit. This keeps a public record but allows the tweeter the ability to fix a simple mistake and not re-notify their followers with a new tweet

Elon Musk
Replying to
That sounds reasonable

Comment who's to blame? (Score 1) 27

So let me get this right., if you replace Discord with a physical house, it goes like this:

They had a house they got mail at.
They moved houses.
They started getting mail at the new house.
They had old posts still referencing the old house's address.
They didn't setup mail forwarding from the old address.
Someone moved into the old house and kept the mail, doing bad things with it.

Sounds less like hacking and more like bad, chaotic business practices just asking for trouble.

Comment Re:Funny how that works (Score 2) 84

OK, wow... where to start...
-Exchanges don't do AML on crypto deposits. US Currency, maybe. Crypto? Never.
-You never provide documentation on crypto deposits. If you have the keys to move it, it's yours. The encryption key IS the proof of ownership.
-Receipt? Satoshi mined them. There was never a purchase. These are brand new, unmoved coins.
-Even if they were purchased, nobody ever cares where the funds came from after the purchase is over and done with.

Crypo is a technology marvel designed to separate government rule and currency, You should do some research and play with it. Most of the problems you list were designed to not exist within Bitcoin.

Comment Again, urban vs rural (Score 2) 214

People who live in urban areas might very well find meat to be unavailable.

For those in rural settings, it will never be unavailable - it's just too easy to fence off a field and get a calf.
It's really common for people to chip in and buy half a cow, for example. Farmer get a little easy cash from an extra cow, and families get a freezer full of super high quality meat.

Another divide between those in high and low population density areas. I'm not seeing many positives to urban living these days...

Comment Re:Alternate Title: Disk Maker Shill Sniffing Glue (Score 4, Informative) 165

It's poorly worded, but I get the concept.

Put another way: nobody wants a backup. What they want is a working restore.

That's why regularly testing an actual restore process is vital. Far too many stories of people religiously doing backups for years, only to discover in a disaster that what they had couldn't be used for a working restore.

Comment Re:For anyone wondering why they're doing this (Score 1) 202

Interesting theory - but I have yet to meet someone who bought an EV where the tax implications were a deciding factor.

Most people in that mindset would buy a used one anyway (huge price drop after 1 year) - and only new vehicles qualify for the credit.

I'd rather see the government get out of the business of picking winners & losers. It used to be ICE vs EV, now it's down to specific models.
Nothing good with come of this.

Comment Re: The goal was never to eradicate Covid (Score 1) 301

Wow, again with the politics.

I never said anything about avoiding the vaccine. I was saying that we are closer to herd immunity than simply measuring vaccine percentages.

We humans are far far better off in our march against Covid than the vaccine rates would have us believe.

Thatâ(TM)s a good thing. If you canâ(TM)t see thatâ(TM)s a good thing, you need to examine the science and ditch your politics.

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