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Journal Journal: Three Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy Political Attacks On Trump 133

The 14th Amendment is a dead letter. 06Jan was an Op.


1. Point out that DJT is a spendthrift. A substantial fiscal reform platform would do well against him.

2. While 06Jan was a farce, him letting the prisoners of 06Jan was terrible. He tacitly agrees with the bogus charges by not making an issue of the disgusting treatment of citizens.

3. He can't both take victory laps over Operation Warp Speed, and be critical of the Covid response. He could whine that he was the victim of a masterful squeeze play, but he needs to admit that he got rooked.

Our politics is a complete farce. Unless and until we have a no-kidding Article V Convention along lines similar to those articulated by Levin...I have no idea where this goes, but it looks like a dog's breakfast to me.

EXIT QUESTION: Why are the opponents not arguing the obvious?
User Journal

Journal Journal: Senator Cotton and Kurt Schlichter 184

Senator Cotton notes:

Every time a Republican won the presidency this century, Democrats tried to stop the certification.
Yet none of them faced criminal charges over what is obviously First Amendment protected activity.

In defense of Fanni Willis, her charges are no more garbage than the rest of the piffle on offer from the Democrats.

Schlichter seems equally unimpressed:

Some people ask me my legal opinion of these frame jobs masquerading as criminal cases. Well, I have no legal opinion of them because these have nothing to do with the law. When not invented out of whole cloth, they consist of inapplicable statutes stretched tighter than Nancy Pelosi's lifted and Botoxed face to try to encompass perfectly legal activities by people whose real crime is opposing the ruling class. And the accused aggravated their crimes by having succeeded for a time.
Do you think these laws only go one way? Do you think this precedent canâ(TM)t be used right back against you and yours?

Interestingly, we've been looking at the Saul/David transition in ancient Israel in Sunday School. Violence begets violence, and it is a hard thing to see every branch of government twisted, weaponized, and used to push people in completely unhealthy directions. Pray for peace.

User Journal

Journal Journal: Ah, That Voting 'Elephant' 8

I took in the bulk of the Tucker interview of the Eminence Orange on X, and listened to Shapiro's summary of the Fox debate on the drive home today. Both were farce.

For all I groove on tech and have made a living doing it, I am a total election Luddite. I want
- hard copy
- first past the post
- Australian ballots
- filled out by registered voters
- on election day
- who are in an audited poll book - with regularly audited results.
Certain, strictly scrutinized early voting may be reasonable.

Having a machine tally the paper ballots isn't unreasonable. I disagree with Vivek's ideas of raising the voting age. To my mind, if you're a taxpayer, you have a say.

This is a timeless, classic argument lacking a "correct" answer. Some fancy having competency tests to ensure that voters meet some knowledge threshold, to preclude Trumpian demagogues from getting too populist. This seems a cure worse than the mail-in-voting disease, to my mind.

Whatever reforms are undertaken, and mine would be in the direction of simplicity, the goals to balance are fairness and security. Nobody talks security, and that speaks volumes.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Deeveeaar gets the resumes and ID cards of over 500 scammers. 6

And yet, the Jaipur Police and Indian Media are strangely uninterested in this story. So, Indians, where you guys at? Is your country so corrupt that it's beyond repair? Where are the good men and women of India who should be outraged that their country is starting to only be known for it's scam call centers?

What's worse - one of the scammers is a 15 year old girl. Where are the "won't someone think of the children" liberals at? You guys going to sit there and do nothing?

Here's what you should do. Share this video. Share it on Xwitter, Reddit, Facebook, and tag Indian Media and Police. Let's try to bring these scammers to justice and make a dent in the roughly 22 BILLION dollars these assholes are stealing from people who's only crime is not being tech saavy.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Devon Archer is a Bit Too on the Nose 10

Not to go anywhere near being a Biden apologist, but the Tucker interview &c sound like a bunch of innuendo that tickles the confirmation bias without getting too specific about the who/what/where/when/why.

Once upon a time we had cases in courts of law with people under oath.

Now it's so much poo flinging in the court of public opinion.

"Progress", or something.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Oh, You Do Too Know That It's Purely Coincidental 12

On March 17, Hunter [Biden] accidentally admits it was his 'laptop from Hell.. The next day, DA Alvin Bragg indicts President Trump.
June 8, an FBI document is released showing that the Ukrainians paid the Biden crime family millions and millions of dollars. The next day, the Mar-a-Lago raid, and the Mar-a-Lago indictment.
Last week, Hunter Bidenâ(TM)s sweetheart plea deal fell through, when the judge realized that there was blanket immunity. The following day, a superseding indictment [was brought] against Donald Trump.
July 31, Devon Archer goes to testify in front of the House. That was only after they failed to put him in jail prior to the fact. What happens the next day? The January 6 indictment that weâ(TM)re here for today.
This is not a coincidence. This is election interference at its finest, against the leading candidate right now for president, for either party.

Will no one rid us of these turbulent conspiracy theories?

User Journal

Journal Journal: Will No One Rid Us of These Turbulent Conspiracy Theories? 2

@ChuckGrassley just dropped FBI FD-1023 in which Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky says he paid Joe & Hunter Biden millions to make corruption prosecutions go away. Says he put Hunter on board to "protect us, through his dadâ¦Hunter will take care of these things through his dad"

I have it on damn_registrar's word that all anti-Democrat words are just conspiracy theories.

Obviously, we need more government control of speech to tamp down these pesky counter-arguments.

Am I doing this correctly, d_r?

User Journal

Journal Journal: A Rhetorical Divide-and-Conquer? 29

The discussions are lengthy and digression-filled. Fine.

The fascinating rhetorical device unique to this site is/l

-- demanding references

-- zooming in on those references to granular detail, drilling down for "facts" and "evidence"

-- systematically rejecting everything offered

I will confess to falling prey and getting spun up in years past.

But if one steps back to observe the D-n-C methodology, all of the shrill cries for "facts" and "evidence" take on a self-mocking cast.

Possibly all of the posturing is sincere and I'm misinterpreting. If so, please forgive me, as I do you, and have an excellent weekend.
User Journal

Journal Journal: I Guess SCOTUS Decisions Are Constitutional Amendments? 2

Via Legal Insurrection, it appears that, per the Biden Administration's illustrious peat muppetPress Secretary, SCOTUS decisions are tantamount to Constitutional Amendments:

âoeThis is really, really important and I know the American people are really tracking this, as they should be. Dobbs decision, that was something that was decided on a year ago. Really took away the freedoms from women. I think about abortion, I think about reproductive rights. And that was unprecedented. Now you fast-forward to what we saw last week, affirmative action. Again, taking away important constitutional rights that have been in place for a long time,â Jean-Pierre said.

One is tempted to indulge in a little bit of fremdschaemen, when one feels embarrassment on behalf of someone too thick to realize that they should be ashamed.

But, in defense of Karine Jean-Pierre, we don't declare war or budget along Constitutionally coherent lines either. So possibly she makes a good point in passing: we need to either get this ship back on course, or just scuttle the whole mess.

User Journal

Journal Journal: "You cannot provide proof of your creator" 14


Emphasis mine:

You cannot provide proof of your creator

Life remains ambiguous, yes.

We now know that some mountains are vastly younger than others, and also that many are still growing.

That is only one place where we've come to accept that scriptures were wrong.

And yet (emphasis mine, echoing that above)

Your expectation for what biochemistry should tell us about the evolution of life doesn't match what even undergraduates quickly learn in chemistry, either. You've asked for a direct roadmap from the primordial soup to something you could recognize as alive. However those who have taken chemistry know that vanishingly few reactions ever reach 100% completion.

Roadmaps for me, but not for thee.

My "Maslow-3D" hypothesis, which you ignore, seeks to let faith be faith, and knowledge, knowledge, by treating the two as orthogonal. By being clear about which things are of Earth, and "provable" (even if the reactions have not always reach 100% completion) vs. those of heaven, which even those claiming faith continue to thumb-wrestle over, we can at least have an intellectually honest exchange.

Indeed, if one buys off on a Creator, then everything we experience is a subset of that creation. So the example of mountains that you offer is a data point that says more about humans than that Creator.

Stipulating that you are correct and reality "just sort of happened", all I can say is that belief in random stuff is a far larger mountain of faith than I can muster. But do preach on, as the amorality drives the societal destruction currently in view. And lest you think me smug, I would blame the church for failing to carry out the Great Commission first and foremost for these woes.

. Glad that you had a great vacation, sir. We were just at Mt. Ranier

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