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It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Sigs for the wit-challenged, part 1

Here's some good sigs/one-liners ranging from funny to "philosophical" in nature. I have more, and I will post them later. Most of them aren't mine, so don't give me any credit. (Welcome to my 2 new fans, total is now 12!)

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Slashdot: The Text Adventure

I posted this as a comment, but for those of you who may not have seen it, I thought it was funny enough to throw in the journal.

Slashdot should be a text adventure game.

You are on the main page, generated for you by a beowulf cluster of soviet russians.

There is a troll's keyboard here.
You are now carrying the troll's keyboard.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: If Slashdot Had Obituaries...

Mr. Anderson, 26, of 216 Matrix Way was killed last thursday when an Apple Lisa fell on him and crushed him.

Mr. Anderson was survived by a massive collection of hard drives, ranging in size from 10 MB to 200GB.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Michael Jackson jokes

Since whacko jacko felt the need to air his stupid home movies on FOX recently, I feel the need to make fun of him.

  • Q: What do you call a pop star who abuses his kids?
    A: Michael Whack-Son
  • Q: What do you call the period of time when Michael Jackson was black?
    A: The dark ages.
  • Anybody (male or female) who sleeps with Michael Jackson is gay. (It's true!!)
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: Slashdot jokes 2

I apologize for my incredibly unfunny jokes in my last journal entry. Despite those, I now have 10 fans and still only a single freak.

And now it's time a new slashdot motto:

  • Slashdot: More fun than a beowulf cluster of monkeys!
  • Slashdot: With this many references to porn, it's amazing we aren't hosting any!
  • Slashdot: News for nerds, without all that annoying stuff that matters.
  • Slashdot: Have you slashdotted somebody today?
It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: More Saddam jokes 2

It's time again to make fun of everybody's least favorite dick-tater, Saddam Hussein!

  • Why doesn't Saddam Hussein like ghosts? Because they can't be tortured!
  • Why is Saddam Hussein SoDahm Insane?
  • What does Jacques Chirac call Saddam Hussein? Mon Ami.

This is just to weed out any commie-pinko-liberals who may have accidentally become my fans. After all, 8 fans and only 1 freak is a bit unbalanced.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: One joke to rule them all... or whatever

A professor was teaching his class and it was time for a quiz. He announced "Okay class, I'm going to give you a quizical."

After the class, a student approached the professor and said, "I noticed what you called the quiz. What do you say when it's time for a test?"


Only one joke today because I'm having a bad day, plus it was a long joke. I noticed I got another fan, bringing the total to 4. And I thought it was just a crazy idea that would never work.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Journal Journal: More jokes...

This entry is dedicated to insults.

  • You're so ugly not even Michael Jackson would sleep with you.
  • You smell so bad you got kicked out of france.
  • You're so stupid you think you can only listen to AM radio in the morning.
  • You're such an idiot, you think FM means something dirty.

I see I have one new friend. I don't know if this is a result of my journal or of my comments. Please comment.

United States

Journal Journal: Holy tripe! 1

Holy cow, we're taking baghdad?

That's what happens when I sleep late.

Anyway, inspired by a certain slashdotter with too many $ signs in his/her/its user name, I have decided to post random jokes in my journal when I feel like it.


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