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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 332 declined, 17 accepted (349 total, 4.87% accepted)


Submission + - Mozilla Firefox 9.0 Beta 3 released (

BogenDorpher writes: Firefox 9 is slated to implement a new technology called "type inference" which allows the browser's JavaScript engine to process JavaScript code much faster than before, which ultimately leads to performance improvements when loading pages or JavaScript apps.

Submission + - Mozilla Firefox 10 to have silent update mechanism ( 2

BogenDorpher writes: Mozilla announced recently that the company was working hard on implimenting a silent update mechanism for its popular Firefox browser. Currently planned for Firefox 10, this new silent update mechanism would minimize the amount of time it takes Firefox to launch after downloading an update.

Submission + - Counter Strike G.O. Beta starts Nov 30th (

BogenDorpher writes: Valve, who announced Counter-Strike: Global Offensive for PC, Mac, and consoles, recently delayed the release of the highly anticipated beta. Based on feedback from early access previews, the developers wanted to improve the feel of the game and are now planning a closed beta for November 30th.

Submission + - Android sees exponential growth in malware (

BogenDorpher writes: According to research conducted by Juniper Networks, Google's Android mobile operating system exploded in malware in just the past few months. In fact, Android saw an increase by 472% in malware since July of 2011. And it seems that Google is doing nothing about it, yet.

Submission + - Microsoft Security Essentials v3 Beta signup opens (

BogenDorpher writes: Earlier today a leaked email revealed that Microsoft was gearing up for a beta program for its popular Security Essentials security software. Today, Microsoft announced the ability to register for the upcoming beta program for the next version of Security Essentials.

Submission + - Microsoft tired of sending cakes to Mozilla (

BogenDorpher writes: Microsoft has broken it's long lasting tradition in sending Mozilla a cupcake with every major Firefox release. Mozilla's latest release is Firefox 8, which was released just a few days ago. Microsoft have said that sending a cake every six weeks is overkill. So guess what? No cake for Mozilla this time.

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