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Comment Re:ESPN (Score 1) 401

Back when I last had Comcast (around 2005 or 2006) the quality of PBS over the cable was so much worse than OTA. It was full of compression artefacts, dropped frames, audio distortion. I called them several times and they always told me their digital picture was perfect. It got even worse when they increased their compression ratio to up their cable modem bandwidth (I never used their internet service, I used DSL because Comcast didn't want to sell me service with a static IP and unfiltered ports) so it was a net loss for me and was the last straw. I cut the cord a week after they rolled out their faster internet service I wasn't using which made my television unwatchable.

Comment Re:Good for them (Score 1) 138

Hulu doesn't cost money other than watching the ads which were on as well. All the episodes right now are on regular Hulu. You don't need Hulu Plus.

Not yet you don't. Come September 24th you will. Hulu Plus does cost money. Watching most South Park episodes will cost money *in addition* to commercials. That's a net loss for the viewer.

Comment Re:I wanted to like it.... (Score 1) 75

I found that starting with several overall reviews of prior material per day and only learning a new segment of a lesson if I felt like I had mastered the prior material to be a good pace. That way I only added new words and concepts after having reiterated over the prior ones several times. I found that I had pretty good control over how quickly I added more words and concepts into my pool of learning and could control just how quickly I progressed.

Comment Re:This idea isn't ludicrous, it's sensible (Score 1) 86

Well said.

The only way for this kind of abusive marketing to be stopped would be for gamers to boycott the products and vendors, which would be like meth-heads boycotting meth.

They need not even boycott the products. They could wait for the release of the game, study the game's reception, and then if still excited, buy it. If publishers saw that only a minority a game's sales happened during presale shenanigans, they might start putting that effort into more interesting things.

Comment Re:Already Happened (Score 1) 86

you'd have to buy multiple copies of the game to get all of the content.

It would appear that publishers are cashing in on people's fear of missing out, but I wonder what proportion of gamers actually shell out the price of a game multiple times just to have two different pre-order items. I also wonder what proportion of gamers just wait for the release then read the reviews or watch "Let's Play" videos before making a purchase decision and "miss out" on the (mostly pointless) pre-order items.

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