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Comment Re:Windows XP did not instantly become unsafe Apri (Score 1) 322

Let me flip this?

What can you do on a nice shiny new i5core Dell box that your XP system can not?

Can you type faster? Can you think faster? Do webpages load up faster? Do pie charts in excel pop up quicker?

Where are the productivity enhancements to pay for this investment?? ... I am waiting. That's right there is none. So it is not an asset. It is a cost center and an expense. This is why XP is still around.

It works and the cost is already set. Instead of blowing millions like my employer is upgrading how about the millions be used to raise the share price higher? Isn't that the goal of business? Or hire new salespeople? Or buy new factories? Or upgrade trucks to lower costs? All those bring in more revenue than the cost so therefore they are a profit center and an asset.

Look you like technology like many of us and that is great. But at some point it is trivial eye candy. If security wasn't an issue no one would bother upgrading except enthusiasts.


Comment Re:see where your taxes go (Score 2) 322

Yep. It's a total waste of money.

Those machines aren't going to implode because they don't get updates.

Keep running them, keep on replacing them. Block all external web sites to employees (which they should be anyway).

Do you really want your personal information on a vulnerable system where a Russian hacker can make a killing selling your identity? Do you still back that up in such a case?

Comment Re:U.S. taxpayers pay, but don't get the fixes? (Score 1) 322

As much as I am a proponent of it aint broke do not fix it I have to bring up the costs it takes for Microsoft to man up a support command and control center, os kernel hackers, teams of security experts, and developers who know ancient code bases to keep the updates going year after year after year.

This aint free.

Ms should charge something for support and if only a slim number are willing to pay for it the associated costs is going to be high. If they charge $30 a pc (example) the neophytes and Grandma wouldn't even know about nor pay for it. It would be a money losing proposition.

IBM charges for 360 support still for 40 year old software! However, mainframes have not been sold for decades. They are rented with high fees to pay developers. XP is just like a mainframe where you pay through the nose for support as average Joes are not willing to pay $100 every 3 years to keep running it.

Comment Re:About XP . . . (Score 5, Insightful) 322

Windows XP is the best Win OS ever made.

It works. It has the best gui. Windows explorer isn't crippled. Apps just work. Websites render just right. Updates do not break it unlike 7 or 8. It works well with 512 megs of ram.

If it aint broke DON"T FIX IT!

The reason they like XP is they had win98 and WinME and remember the crapola experiences, crashes, re-installing the OS, etc. XP was the first OS which just worked. Why change?

People become conservative as a result. Our grandparents who grew up during World War II and the Great depression became conservative and AMERICA IS GREAT during the 1950's when good times hit. Same is true with XP. It came from an era of bad apples preceeding it. Now look at Windows 8 and Vista which came later?

Can you blame them of being afraid of change?

XP works just fine and they do not want a cell phone os and risk nightmares of getting things to work and performance problems. It finally works so leave it and they need a reason to change. There is no reason to change what works right?

Comment Re:Whoosh! (Score 1) 452

Free time is not free. If you eat out someone has to give up their time to serve you. If you drive your car to somewhere then the drilling, oil companies, and gas station attendents have to lose their free time to serve you. If you eat the farmer and truck drivers loose their free time etc.

So this is why you have less time to enjoy yourself unless you are truly self sufficient. Then you need to give up your own free time to milk your cows and grow your crops.

You are screwed either you way. So this is nonsense as you give \up your time and the value of your time you give up determines the value others give up for yours in return. Welcome to life!!

Comment Re:Group policy, OU's, ad, acl? (Score 1) 452

Access Control Lists came from VMS. UNIX knows root and non root. Yes someone added a patch to Linux to include. But is not integrated with the platform and most apps are not ACL aware. With OU's you can set them for locations in AD with group policies and move with a mouse click by the thousands.

Due to sexual harassment lawsuits businesses need a way to track usage. Everyone uses .pac files with IE.

Doesn't matter if it's win specific or not. Shit needs to get done. GPOs do that. Linux never had an answer to this so it stays in academia and specialized servers. For business sorry but Windows has it beat with management.

Comment Group policy, OU's, ad, acl? (Score -1, Troll) 452

Can you assign permissions for some root like things but not all? Can you apply patches by the thousands? If an update fails will you receive a log back via sccm? Does Firefox support .pacs for monitoring? Can you create a GPO to lock gnome profiles with ease for PCI compliance?

Until then keep dreaming Linux college boy. In the real world shit needs to get done and doesn't who gets em done. Linux maybe a fine server OS but Microsoft got it beat well over a decade ago in the field of business and management.

Comment shut the socialists up!! (Score 0, Flamebait) 163

THe residents need to stop spewing anti corporate left wing radical stuff. We tried fascism before with the soviet union.

I prefer freedom instead thank you very much!

The market will take care of this only if we do not do anything. In a free market without government regulation none of these things would EVER happen.

Comment Re:Fire is most complex, not simplest, answer (Score 2) 233

At 400+ mph the air flying in would turn that into a roman candle FAST.

There is plenty to burn and windows break. Metal softens and gas and oil explode.

We will never find out. If they have not even freaking found debris yet then the jet will never be found. They found the debris in 48 hours with flight 903 and it still took over 2 years to find it.

I think the plane if it followed the same line is between Africa and Australia rather than right off Australia. People claimed they saw something Maldives which would make sense.

If the pilot decided to be real crazy and was conscious he could have landed it like the hudson river landing all intact. The plane would then slowly bob and not sink for many months or years.

We will never know.

Comment Re:Freedom of Speech? (Score 4, Insightful) 328

It is disgusting, but the original poster replied to a further post about how this can be abused and that is why he opposes it.

Suppose you have a legit porn website. Someone uploads some porn with an exwife masturbating as an example. The divorce lawyer finds it and guess what? You are sued for revenge porn and now need to pay $5 million dollars to this women you never met so she doesn't have to work and go shopping off your retirement.

When laws come out like this whether laws that say the right to face your accuser does not apply in rape, or banning child porn, or implementing sexual harassment laws all have adverse consequences.

For example lets say you have a daughter who is 16 and filled with hormones. She takes a pic of her breasts and uploads them to her boyfriend. CHILD PORN MANUFACTURER! Her life is now ruined forever.

Or about how if you have a drink with a woman from work on a saturday and you get too friendly. Your boss can be liable for a hostile work environment even off the clock and can loose his business.

Be carefully what you support based on emotion. Going to far and the lawyers will find something to be used to the extreme.

I am so darned split with the right to refuse gays service in Arizona for example! I find it deplorable to oppose gay marriage! People should have any right.But I want to start a business. I have every darn RIGHT to refuse service for ANY reason. I own it! Lets say someone was costing me more than I was making. Or makes an unreasonable offer which is below cost. I refuse. Now I get to be freaking sued as I later find out the customer is a lesbian. Just freaking great!

I hate lawyers with a passion and trivial lawsuits. So I fit in this camp with less is better until we get real tort reform.

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