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Comment Still use my Palm Pilot every day (Score 1) 338

As I can't find it worth while to keep transferring my contacts, calendar and everything else between cell phones every time I upgrade, I opted to use the same compatible device that I've been using since 1997.. It's hard to beat a Palm Pilot when there was (and still is to a degree) such a HUGE community of developers. I even bought a licensed copy of DateBk6 about a year ago, those guys are still going strong.

Wrote a full article a while back about it here.

Comment Re:I don't get the point of Kickstarter (Score 1) 86

It's a way for entrepreneurs to get funding for their creative ideas and projects. Usually you'd have to find an investor. To answer your question as to why it's appealing to invest in a project that may or may not succeed, just ask a professional investor. It's the thrill of being a part of a great idea and helping it get off the ground.

Comment It's the interface, stupid (Score 1) 238

Like many have echoed in here, nobody that isn't alrady passionate about stuff like this is going to really give a hoot about decentralization. You have to "beat" Facebook at their interface. Then people will like it. Here's my take - K.I.S.S. Facebook's interface is already very simple. We have to almost think of the old-school BBSes (the original decentralized social networks) and see how clean some of those interfaces were. I personally would love to see an ANSi re-implementation in HTML5. People *do* have the capacity to use the keyboard to navigate, and once they learn it, as long as it's efficient, people will start flocking. There's nothing wrong with a menu system - UI simplicity is Facebook's whole goal, after all. It's just that they have so much sh*t going on that it's almost impossible to do. That's everyone's problem with design. Not that I'm a designer, but I did make my own ANSi menus for Renegade back in the day. And they rocked.

Comment Build an intercontinental railway system (Score 1) 826

That will fix the problem. What are you gonna do if someone hijacks a train? Make it go slower? You can't really steer it into anything.

I'm sick of this whole airplane thing. It's a joke. It's way too expensive to fly, you have to go through shit like this, and it's just not worth it anymore.

Comment Re:teamviewer (Score 1) 247

I've been using UVNC SC for years, and it works fantastically. Just throw your custom executable on your website/blog/DropBox/whatever and e-mail the URL to the supported. It doesn't get much easier than this (although I admit, even with this it's difficult sometimes to get people to click on a link correctly).

I recently moved to ChunkVNC ( ) and it works great as well.

Benefits of UVNC SC/ChunkVNC:
+ It's free (No subscription, no one-time-charge)
+ It only runs when the user runs it (and removes itself when the session ends)
+ No end-user port forwarding required (as the user is creating an outgoing connection, not allowing one in - a la "reverse server connection")
+ Customizable

I highly recommend it.

Comment Re:Now you did it... (Score 1) 80

Fluorisis isn't the only danger to fluoride in the blood (and not used as a topical treatment) - The penial gland in the brain is the organ that fluoride collects the most in. It basically calcifies and prevents it from functioning. The penial gland is pivotal to the secretion of melatonin (and DMT when you sleep for those extra-real dream sequences) which affects sleeping patterns, the onset of puberty and seeing majesty (i.e. Trogdor). It's pretty important to our individual process of creativity and feeling good. Which I could see why so many conspiracies were formed in the way of 'poisioning the cities' water supplies'.

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