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Comment Re:Emma Watson is full of it (Score 1) 590

Bahahaha! Feminists are more than happy to throw women under the bus if they step out of line. You know what did more to helpfully change the social role of women than all of the demented harpies in feminism? The movie Aliens. Ripley didn't need a collective to kick ass, but then again there's no paycheque for the unemployable in that.

Comment Re:Why are feminists attacking the nerd culture? (Score 1) 590

Thunderf00t as far as I'm aware is a professor of physics. He doesn't put himself up on a cross like neeta because he earns a living through having useful, practical skills that are in demand instead of demonising half the population in a manner that would make Goebbels blush because hustlers gonna hustle. So yet again, get fucked amimojo.

Comment Re:Great news (Score 1) 269

What criteria were they using to define intelligence? How quickly people learn, or general ability to retain information or what? Because someone raised by wild dogs and someone raised in the finest educational traditions of modern society are going be at very different levels of intelligence no matter how you slice it.

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