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Comment Re:Another wasted research project (Score 1) 588

Any science with a 6% to 85% chance of being accurate (not a margin of error, but chance of actually existing) doesn't sound very reliable to me. Genetics will have an effect on weight but simple physics can't really be ignored here - energy in, energy out. Someone that exercises a lot, using a lot of energy, and doesn't eat much isn't going to be overweight because there isn't any spare energy to convert into fat.

Conversely, someone that takes in a lot of high energy food and doesn't exercise will in all likelihood build up fat. I know it's a more complicated picture but at the end of the day energy is going into an overweight person's body and it's not being used.

Comment Re:neither science nor news. (Score 0) 54

lacks userbase from what im told.

Oh, it lacks the only thing that makes slashdot interesting you mean?

Say what you like about slashdot but they've an excellent hands-off policy when it comes to discussions about whatever, that can be relied upon. The same can't be said for your "alternatives".

Please mod this and the parent post as offtopic, thanks.

Comment Re:Comfortable, were we? (Score 0) 113

It rewards psychopaths, results in shitty systems which punish the public and takes the creative principle for ransom.

Bwahaha you slackjawed imbecile, you realise you've just described the actual outcomes of everything marxist?

and budding psychopaths who hope that they can scramble their way up the mountain of bodies

For reals, over 100 million people would like a word. And they seem a bit pissed.

Possibly just maybe your polisci 101 lecturer wasn't giving you an honest education, dipshit.

Food for thought.

Comment Re:Comfortable, were we? (Score 2) 113

It is if they're willing to play it smart enough.

I mean you didn't think that computer you're typing on was so cheap because the manufacturers decided to give you a winning personality discount, did you?

Also I'd advise anyone whining about monopolies to take a good long look at the standard contracts existing publishers make authors sign, as we're on the subject.

Comment Re:Obvious Reason (Score 2, Informative) 579

I mean, face it, men are just more willing to be the trolls and make life miserable for each other. Women see that and avoid the whole issue altogether.

Turns out that's a steaming pile, who knew eh.

They simply see what happens as basically a bunch of horny teenagers with ragers going on, and simply steer clear to avoid the trouble.

Too bad you don't know any actual female gamers:

Comment Re:It's OK to attack mythology and superstition... (Score 1) 266

UFOs actually exist. Yes, they do. Not to say that they are aliens but there's a long and well documented history of flying objects we can't identify.

So how about we spend a few generations stamping out atttitudes like yours and then we can view the world as it really is.

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