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Comment Sadly (Score 2) 421

Because the salting of pseudo-scientific facts and studies has been so successful,

and our leadership is filled by tools bent on their own reelection above all else,

we are likely to wait until such a measure is a the only recourse.

Comment Re: About right (Score 3, Insightful) 246

I wonder what happened to the guy they stole from. Guess he was a police informant this whole time.

If he were perhaps they wouldn't have had to show the other evidence to make the case.

It would make sense the low-level criminal, in this case the marijuana seller, would be given some immunity in exchange for testifying against the armed robber. I'll not argue the merits or measures of prosecuting the robber, as I think most points of view have been covered, but I am pleased to see the defense attorney and judge do their jobs.

The police believe they are in a technological arms race with criminals, and sometimes behave as if the fate of the free World hinges upon every investigation. Realistically, they cannot be trusted to determine what is proper. Constitutionally, they are not allowed to.

Comment Re:Most important parameter for men: height (Score 1) 286

There are things you can change about yourself, and things you cannot.

If being less than average height in your era is the biggest deformity you have, you got a pretty good package.

Besides, being born tall, lean, athletic, and beautiful often leads to coasting through life. Being born short, ugly, and pudgy often leads to overachieving.

Comment Re:Fuck the playstation (Score 4, Insightful) 188

Sony may not always be the smartest kids in the room, but they will not relegate their revenue stream to fewer segments of technology.

Too many companies get rendered irrelevant by not diversifying. Looking at you Blockbuster: After years of domination of the block and mortar video rental and sales niche, they passed up a chance to purchase the fledgling Netflix for $50 million US in 2000. (Current Netflix market cap is $28+ Billion.) Carl Icahn waged a proxy fight for control in 2005, and by 2010 the once great concern filed for Bankruptcy.

It's precisely why you see Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and Google making what appear to be crazy stupid acquisitions.

Comment Re:Wow, the dumb in parent post is astounding... (Score 1) 42

I know that US bashing is all the vogue, but you have to see the benefit to the rest of the World created by the general easing of protectionist trade policies by its wealthiest nation.

The monitoring of pollution levels in places where tracking them might not occur is chicken soup... can't hurt, might help.

There is no appreciable difference to our common planet whether environmental contamination of industry is Indian, Chinese, American, or European.

Comment Re:Of course (Score 1, Insightful) 127

Unfortunately this is such a bad, outdated idea that the government will probably go for it.

We already have digital currency - those bits that record our current balances, etc in our bank accounts, etc. It's not like the bank takes physical money and moves it from one drawer to the other, or that when you pay with a credit card that the credit card company sends the merchant a wad of cash and some coins.

We do already have digital currency, and this is an incredibly poor idea.

What spawns such things from the government, you say? Why, they've seen the recent success of the homegrown crypto-currencies like the Bitcoin, and they want in because they confidently believe they should control all the money. The flaw in their venture is the basic lack of understanding of the principle tenet of Bitcoin: it is outside government meddling.

Comment Re:Forget mice - consider dogs, horses, cats, and (Score 1) 193

FWIW: I just read an article about a house cat's brain being more complex than that of a dog .

The interesting thing to me about the link is the mice were tested with the human gene against the corresponding chimp gene in a mouse brain as a control.

We have at least one allele for brain development identified in three species. Don't you just know experiments with the human gene inserted in the monkey is the next logical step? Hail Caesar...

Comment Re:Fuck. (Score 1) 116

We're from the government and we're here to help.

In all seriousness, would the tradeoff of the luxuries one is entitled to in a 1st World country offset the purported privacy you might get in a 3rd World nation?

Odds are, people would still be clamoring to immigrate to the privacy stricken 1st World nqtions.

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