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Comment Re:information (Score 1) 271

I find it arrogant for any group to tell another they can't handle the truth, so to speak. Maybe arrest records are unreliable metrics. Shouldn't adults be able to figure that out?

They are, and they should. The problem, of course, is that the government treats them like they mean something any time they want to look hard on crime, which lends them undeserved credibility — both the statistics, and the government. And by "the government" I mean all of them.

Comment Re:Huh (Score 1) 271

I have heard people say, without hyperbole, that they think that rape is as bad or worse than murder. Many rape victims also seem to feel that - 13% of rape victims attempt suicide. Think about that. These are people, a large number of people, who genuinely believe that it's better to be dead than raped. That's a problem, a big one, and it's a problem of perception. The courts only reinforce this, if they're handing down life-ending sentences over rape offenses, and that feeds the problem further.

I've made this argument myself, and I do think that murder is worse than rape, as you do. However, our prison system is not really about rehabilitation. I wish that it were, but it is not. Given that, life sentences for rape seem reasonable. If the goal is to reduce recidivism, we can't permit them to get out of prison, since our prison system is designed to increase it.

What needs to change most is our prison system, which increases violent crime in our nation.

Back to TFA: molestation isn't rape. Without reading the article, I'd guess based on the sentence that the offense of the guy in question was pretty small. Maybe a grope on the train or something, happens pretty often on those crowded Japanese commuter trains.

And that's why he shouldn't be allowed to cover up his record. If he did the crime, then he's part of the problem and that being known is part of the overall picture of solving the problem. If he didn't, then he has an opportunity to say that he was found not guilty or whatever they call it over there.

Comment Re:I think there's a lot of misplaced hate here (Score 1) 271

We don't know exactly what this guy did. Grabbing a 15 year old's ass once on public transport is quite a lot different than kidnapping and rape and should be treated as such. If he wants to clean up his act, he should be given a fair chance to do so.

He has a fair chance. He can open an honest dialogue with his potential employer about what he did, and how he has improved himself since then. It's not like his arrest record is more available than those of other prospective employees.

Comment Re:Why can't this be the law everywhere? (Score 2) 271

And firing a union member is painful pretty much everywhere....

I wouldn't go into a union business, simple as that. The Unions were a necessary phase in worker's rights, but now they are holding us back and they need to go away and be replaced by rights for all workers. If the Union leaders spent half as much effort to raise the minimum wage on a meaningful schedule as they do on padding their own pockets I might feel differently.

Comment Re:Why can't this be the law everywhere? (Score 1) 271

Theres a country where employers do background checks including looking at arrest records. If you've ever been arrested you'll never get a decent job again. So you were wrongfully arrested, acquitted, maybe the cops were even punished. You were still arrested and you still won't get a job.

If this is wrong, then we should make it illegal for employers to look at arrest records. But that would be wrong, because it would force people to employ you on false pretenses. You don't want to work for someone who won't ask you about what they find and have an honest dialogue anyway, do you? Oh, you do, because if you don't have money, they will throw you out on the street, and it's a crime to be homeless? Well, let's fix that, instead of hiding information that people need to make intelligent decisions. Let's get an MGI going. The rich have more than enough lying around to pay for it. Oh noes, that's socialism! Well, all government which does things for you is inherently socialist. All we have left is to dicker over degrees.

Comment Re:Why can't this be the law everywhere? (Score 1) 271

What you don't get is that this is how it works already. And if they can't get away with using cop cars, they'll use taxis. These laws don't protect you from being kidnapped by the cops and murdered.

That doesn't mean they're bad laws. Arrest records must be public if we are ever to have a backlash against bad laws. They don't guarantee it, but how will it happen without it?

Comment Re:France (Score 2) 146

Speaking of stopping Morales's plane, that was actually Assange's doing. Largest "SWATting" prank in world history.

So just to be clear, when they forced his plane down, which would have been illegal even if he did have Snowden on board (because he wouldn't have done that without using proper measures to extend his immunity) that was something Assange did? I don't recall him forcing anyone to violate any laws. It seems to me what he does is tell us when other people have already violated laws. Maybe you could explain how he issued an order to illegally ground a plane, and why it was followed.

Comment Re:Rather odd timing... (Score 1) 146

That could be a much more dangerous game for Assange than what he has played with the Americans. The French state is known to play rough when it feels it is needed in ways that the Americans are very unlikely to match.

You think that France is going to assassinate someone that Russia has in their pocket? That would be a very, very bad decision indeed. Russia can afford to throw away more operatives than France even has. They certainly would not ever do this.

What I find ridiculous is that France mentioned his warrant. France has sheltered people wanted by other countries before, they never cared before, why now?

Comment Re:There should be a wavier on birth (Score 1) 144

I can't believe all the stupid shit that is banned or that people have to be warned about because they're just that stupid. My personal favorite was a waiver I had to sign before using an ice rink. It literally was about absolving the rink from responsibility should I slip on the ice and fall... as well getting my initials next to a statement where they inform me that ice is slippery and they wanted it on record that I had been informed of that.

This is what the world looks like without single-payer health care. On the other hand, they often don't bother fixing the walks in Australia because there's no motivation. If someone trips and injures themselves they just go to the doctor, and society suffers. On the third hand, we don't bother fixing the walks here in America because fuck you.

Comment Re:Its because she refused to censor a question (Score 1) 385

by Anonymous Coward [...] I think it is.

Who the fuck are you?

If I get fired, why should other people have to know why it was?

Right, you're just an anonymous coward, nobody cares if you die in a fire tomorrow. But one of the best-loved moderators of a public community? Everyone is going to want to know. Maybe the reason is "it was personal" in which case nobody needs to know more.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 385

The big difference is that just about anywhere else, people posting anonymously or with an obviously throw away identity are treated as lesser.

Yes, that's how the whole world works. You really think it doesn't work that way on reddit? Only complete fucking idiots would think otherwise.

4chan is significantly different in that everyone is expected to be anonymous to a point where people trying to have an established identity without a good reason are harassed and usually not taken seriously.

No, they are taken seriously... seriously enough to be worth harassing. You have that backwards.

Comment Re:Most of their apps are annoying anyway (Score 1) 110

Uh, that is because they bought out inbox.

No, I meant there isn't much competition for email clients on Android to begin with. Inbox was something statistically nobody had heard of before Google, and both of the dominant Android email clients are from Google, one of them bundled with the OS and the other with typical gapps.

Comment Re:Its because she refused to censor a question (Score 1) 385

both parties are at being professional in that they aren't talking about the reasons why it occurred...."

Is it professional not to tell the community why you fired an admin of a community site? I don't think that it is. I think that it's half-assed and can only lead to unnecessary speculation which could be avoided by being straightforward. The only reason not to make a public announcement making the situation clear is if they're not acting in their integrity, and legal wants to sit on the announcement like it's an egg and wait for it to hatch.

Comment Re:Indeed (Score 1) 385

There's some serious gold under the shit, and it's very cathartic to speak freely with effectively no consequence to yourself (or even an online identity).

You can come up with a throwaway identity on almost any site. Very few take any real steps to verify your identity. That's not special. Reddit just seems to lack any sphincter control. When people act like assholes, they are encouraged rather than discouraged. So yeah, there's some gems under the turds, but mostly it's just a big fat circle jerk. It's not like Slashdot is so wonderful; Since Dice took over it's mostly been a big whine-fest since they keep shitting on it. But don't act like reddit is some paragon. It's the diamond in the cowfield all over again. Mostly turds, and if you go looking for the one diamond, you mostly just get shit on you.

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