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Comment Re:So where should we go then to work? (Score 2) 113

There is lots of advance "tradesman" type work associated with science that is pretty well protected from AI invasion. I'm referring specifically to service engineer type positions, which takes people who understand the science and has them do installation, repair, qualification, etc on high end lab equipment. I moved into this field a while back now and it's been a great fit for me in particular, and while AI could help us with the diagnostics there are zero robots that I have ever seen with the dexterity to do the actual repairs.

Comment Re:culture and heritage (Score 1) 181

Which requires rifles, that he wants to ban

Why is it OK to make up shit like this about non-conservatives, yet if someone takes something actually said by Trump and extrapolates it to action, that is completely unacceptable?

Not once has Biden shown any support for a rifle ban. Not. One. Single. Time.

Comment What makes a viable candidate? (Score 2) 181

I don't think the Democrats have a viable candidate again Trump and that's unfortunate

Trump's main message lately has been that all democrats are evil and must be destroyed in every way possible. If the democrats subbed in a 35 year old with no political experience as the next candidate for POTUS from their party, Trump and his cult would still label that person as evil and part of the "deep state", and his followers would be riled up to vote for Trump to "save America" from this person.

There is no substance to Trump's campaign. This makes it really, really, difficult to run against. You can't get him to stick to a policy long enough to debate it, and his followers think that's great.

Comment Re:Well, you've at least copied the links (Score 1) 9

I never claimed the military to be perfect. I merely pointed out that your primary claim has no supporting data. You stated that recruitment was down, yet you have not been able to find any data to support that.

As I pointed out in another reply, your activism against higher education isn't helping recruitment, though. Many men and women enlisted to get the GI Bill and go to college, now you are enthusiastically telling them not to go to college. If you are telling them that carrot is worthless, then you have yourself taken away one significant incentive.

Comment Re:It's not that simple of a question (Score 1) 414

If that's so, then why do you keep voting fascists into office? You have never elected a president who was interested in sharing power, and more recently you elected a fascist who wasn't even inclined to give it away when constitutionally required to do so.

Comment Re:I'm only highlighting conspiracies you endorse (Score 1) 31

So then why did so many plead guilty to that charge?

We'll have to ask them. I suspect denial of decent council.

That's hardly a reason to plead guilty. I am definitely not a lawyer but I know the ramifications of pleading or being found guilty of a felony compared to a misdemeanor and they are severe. If I was charged with a felony offense I would fight with every fiber of my being to avoid that being on my record.

And why couldn't Your Dear Leader have bothered to lift a finger to help these people?

Out of office

He still could have contributed money to their legal defense. He has employed hundreds of lawyers over the years, he could have helped them find legal representation. If he is as wealthy as he likes to claim to be he could have offered up some funds to help them; they did after all do what they did because of him.

Comment Re:No on believes you (Score 1) 24

And again, nothing on how this year's recruitment compares to any other year. They set a goal for this year, and did not meet it. That doesn't tell us anything about last year's numbers. The military is shrinking, but that doesn't tell us how recruitment fits in to that. Maybe a large number of people left for private sector work? I have an uncle who left the Army and then returned to the same base as a contractor where he performed the same job at the same base for more money; that would count against the army staffing numbers.

Comment Re:It's all Communism (Score 1) 19

"Blockade" means interdiction of cargo vessels.

I encourage you to read the article I linked to, you will see that indeed cargo vessels have been prevented from reaching Gaza by sea. Israel has intercepted them, taken them to port in Israel, and decided what can and cannot proceed on to Gaza. It is indeed a blockade.

Comment Re:It's all Communism (Score 1) 19

"Blockade" is trivially disproven

Are you suggesting then that the blockade doesn't exist, and the people criticizing it are all mistaken? Even the pope, the Irish Prime Minister, and others? Are you suggesting that the poverty that the people of Gaza are living through is not at all related to the inability to get sufficient resources in to their country of over 2 million people?

how did Hamas obtain tunneling equipment/material if there was nothing coming in?

Tunnels were dug before the election 15 years ago. The equipment didn't go away before. What changed is the situation became far more desperate.


That acronym is not clever, relevant, or accurate. Only Your Team has told us of "good" Neo-Nazis. Only Your Team has proudly marched towards fascism.

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