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Comment Re:*Dons asbestos suit* (Score 1) 1262

Shouldn't be a surprise, after all there's a huge shit-storm going on over zoe quinn as well, with the possibility that she used sexual favors to gain publicity. This of course has led to various sites like kotaku, polygon, etc., to change their reporters handbook. Other various things include reporters giving money to various people, then reporting on them. Reporters shacking up with various people and giving them favorable coverage. Sarkesian much like Quinn, are both bottom feeders of the highest order.

Some crap here

Comment Re:Ahh...so this strikes again huh? (Score 1) 76

How did this get upvoted? There was never any swapping of AMD for Intel, just taking of lower speed parts and marking them for higher speeds.

Quite wrong, see back in oh '96ish both intel and amd used the same boards, so did cyrix. The way it used to be was, Intel was topshelf, AMD was middle shelf, cyrix was low. They all fit on the same board, had the same pin count, and all the rest. The 'guts' of the cpu's were effectively the same as well, this all changed a few years later when intel and amd finally went their own ways in terms of cpu design and manufacturing. You then saw the first generations of split mobo designs, some of the more interesting ones were Slot1/SlotA.

Comment Re:Ahh...so this strikes again huh? (Score 1) 76

The celerons were the same way, it was an excellent generation of cpu's that were rock solid for ocing. You could take an off the shelf 200, 266 or 300, and simply bump up the FSB muliplier, while adjusting the side bus divider and "magic" would happen. Getting 400/500/600+Mhz out of them on air cooling only wasn't only possible, it was super easy. Huge business with mobo manufactures, intel wasn't too happy though.

Comment Ahh...so this strikes again huh? (Score 4, Informative) 76

Back in the late 90's there was a serious issue with videocard's and their bios being reflashed to something else. Wish I had the magazines with the articles on it still, but it ended up being a rather large investigation. Happened with ati, nvidia, matrox cards quite a bit.

There was also the massive, and I do mean massive counterfeiting of fake Intel and AMD cpus, the most common thing that was done was resilkscreening the cpu. They would turn around and take a cyrix, or lower end amd/intel cpu scrub off the designations, then reapply them, and sell them back on the market. You didn't know that they were fake until you plugged them into the motherboard and surprise that $600 intel cpu was a resilked el-crapo cyrix chip.

In all these cases, the primary source for these were from SE-Asia, mainly Thailand, and Vietnam. It was so bad, that these things were showing up in legitimate supply chains from major distributors like Ingram Micro, Supercom, etc. Even the packaging was legit, serial numbers on the packages were legit, so it was a very well organized scam.

Comment Re:In other news... (Score 2) 216

Energy costs make up a small part of a family's budget compared to health care, education, etc etc.

Really? Last study I saw on this done by the frasier institute here in canada put energy costs right up around 46% of where yearly expenses go. I'd go hunt for it but far too lazy at the moment.

Comment Re:Amazing (Score 1) 276

Sure, but if you also read the report you'll quickly notice that the demographics of "what people play" are vastly different. Women will generally stick to management/sim/etc style building. Men will stick to racing, rpg's, action games. This of course is one of the fundamental piss-off points, that the "sjw's" seem to forget.

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