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Comment Re:football can cause brain damage (Score 1) 405

I'm in IT. When I travel I have iPad, Laptop and CellPhone with me. Additionally, I have a Spare battery that can run both my phone and iPad for a few extra hours apiece. I carry all the cables I might need in my bag. I have a TSA approved bag that opens up wide and zips up when done passing through the XRAY.

I still don't need USB Sticks. I have a dozen or two from Six years ago, if you want them.

Comment Re:football can cause brain damage (Score 2, Insightful) 405

USB port? Why is that important? I don't carry mice, keyboards or even thumbdrives. USB is the new Floppy. About the ONLY thing I use USB for these days is charging my peripherals. Wireless (Bluetooth, WI-FI) are much more important features to have, and quite honestly, are ubiquitous on devices. Heck properly configured Projector uses Ethernet for displaying, no Display Port dongle needed.

And having used an iPad and Surface, I always go back to my Android tablet, as it just gets everything right. Size is right, keyboard (Swype) is perfect for one handed fast typing. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, optional 4G for connectivity. Plenty of apps. iPad keyboard and the onscreen Surface keyboard is unusable for me after using Swype. And let me know when Surface speech to text is as good as Android, and is as usable across all applications like Android's.

I get a giggle out of Surface commercials when they tout "Photoshop" on a tablet. It is woefully underpowered for running Photoshop for anything more than basic tasks. Because I can tell you, nobody doing Photoshop work professionally, is going to go Surface, and casual users aren't gonna buy Photoshop to run on Surface.

I'd rather have a full Laptop for when I need it, AND an Android Tablet for when I need something bigger than my phone on the go. And for the cost of a fully setup Surface Pro, with all the bits needed to be a "real" computer, is more expensive than a Tablet and better laptop (with touch screen). Midrange Surface Pro 3 (no keyboard) is $999. Lenovo IdeaPad with similar specs is $729.99, A decent Android Tab is 200-250 depending on features. I think Surface is a product that is neither a Tablet (too big) nor a Laptop (too small).

Comment Re:How much! (Score 1) 405

As I watch the NFL games this past weekend, I saw plenty of Surface tabs all around the studio as props. Most of them unused and sitting pretty on the desktop, one in front of every commentator, announcer or personality. They were UNUSED. The guys(and gals) were using paper notes, behind the props.

The real issue with Technology, is that unless you USE it to do your job all the time (constantly), as part of doing your job, you don't and won't use it. And surface has a steep learning curve, being Windows 8 and Metro. There is little or no need for using Surface in a Broadcast of a football game. Microsoft would have had better luck striking a deal with Fox and MSNBC news operations, where they might actually get used.

Comment Re:football can cause brain damage (Score 3, Interesting) 405

For Apple, the genericization of the term iPad is a double-edged sword. It waters down the trademark, while at the same time pointing everyone back to the source. It is one of the reasons I believe AppleWatch is not an iWatch. In fact, the whole "i-Thingy" is probably dead now. As for the NFL and Surface, that is gonna be a long term problem. The term "Surface" is an actual word, used beyond computers. It is really a dumb name to use for trademarked device.

And a Surface is nothing more than a crappy overpriced under performing laptop that wants to be a tablet. Either that, or an expensive Tablet that also wants to be a laptop. You need a laptop, you'll buy a full laptop for less than the cost of a Surface, and have a better machine. AND if you need a tablet, you buy tablet for less than a Surface. And if you need both, you get both, and use them both.

Comment Re:Deprecating the telephone system (Score 1) 162

Landlines are going bye-bye, regardless of what regulation/law says about them, because they are too expensive, and too limiting. The regulations that apply to them either have exceeded their usefulness or no longer make sense in a world of Cell service.

And this is the problem with regulations, because once we are beyond the usefulness of them, the regulations remain, and you can't get rid of them. Stale laws and regulations should be cautionary tales of intrusive governance. But rarely are.

Comment Re:Parole? (Score 1) 264

That said, what do we do with the Bernie Maddoffs of the world?

My solution would be simple. Confiscate their wealth. ALL of it. Even the stuff squirreled away in Trusts and whatnot. People should not be able to hide illgot gains in trusts. Their kids and grandkids should make it in the world just like all the other kids that aren't trust babies.

Comment Re:We really need (Score 0) 533

Not all of us think that. Some of us think "Puny European Countries". Have you seen an overlay of Europe verses the USA?


The Problem with Europeans is that they have no idea how big the USA actually is, relative to their entire Continent. What is "easy" for Europe is harder here simply because of scale.

Comment Re:I think this is a good idea. (Score 2) 282

Two quick points 1) A good System Admin would know that default settings suck. 2) Change settings based actual needs.

TL;DNR version:

Default settings suck for just about everything, but are usually for "common scenarios" that aren't common any longer. I see people still setting up Linux as if it were for a 384 MB RAM server running on a single HD (or RAID0), when the new system is running Multi GB RAM, SSD SAN, etc. Not only are the original assumptions are wrong, the whole thing is screwed because there is NO tuning what-so-ever. I actually expect to see more servers running TB RAM very shortly, and having multi-tiered long term storage spanning several different classes of storage. This is going to take static configurations and basically toss them out the window, because no two servers will be setup the same.

BUT, on the flip side, nobody is going to be compiling GENTOO on every server either. This means the next best Distribution will have adaptive configurations that change on the fly, based on what the whole platform dictates are.

Comment Re:We need to carpet bomb Nigeria (Score 2) 160

(Over) Regulation does not prevent fraud charges, or lawsuits.

Here is the deal, criminals are criminals. Period. All the rules and regulations in the world won't prevent them from being criminals.

IF you're making the case that regulation prevents crime, you're simply in error, it does not. Oftentimes it doesn't even prevent the crimes it was designed to prevent, it just adds an extra step in the criminal behavior. All the rules and regulations designed to prevent money laundering hasn't even put a dent in money laundering, it simply made it slightly more difficult. Meanwhile, it affects everyone who has legitimate banking transactions, costing everyone a little.

In short, Regulations rarely match the intended results.

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