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Comment Gina's Inc (Score 4, Insightful) 208

Seriously, tell me WTF this company does:

Gina’s Ink, Incorporated has created a platform called the Change My World Now Initiative, which engages, educates and empowers American children, facilitating their ability to reach out and in turn, empower children in countries around the world to move beyond their present circumstances and to find the independence and dignity that education can provide.

The Change My World Now Initiative transforms the conversation that children are having with themselves, their peers, their parents and their community. Instilling the ideas of self-reliance, self-worth, tolerance, and self-acceptance early in life will have a radical effect on children, their future, and their circles of influence, creating a cadre of young leaders, truly...Changing the World One Bright Light at a Time.

Comment Typical Utah (Score 3, Informative) 361

Reminds me of a similar story. In Provo, in order to house BYU students, an apartment complex must be "BYU approved". They only approve the whole building, not individual units, so basically, every building in Provo is BYU approved, because otherwise they'd be at a serious disadvantage getting tennants. One of the requirements of being "BYU approved" is that the Honor Code staff can inspect your apartment at any time for violations.

So, a guy who is not a student at BYU, comes home one day to find a picture he had on his wall, of a girl wearing a bikini, had been taken down. The morality police at BYU were unapologetic. He violated their code, in their town.

Imagine people with that mentality. They wouldn't think twice about requiring you like them on Facebook.

Comment Re:Trump is the future (Score 1, Insightful) 375

These people have been BEGGING for Trump.

Yes, and they succeeded. Now they will win the presidency by a landslide, and probably take back the senate too.

Richly deserved IMO.

Exactly how are liberals suffering from Trump's success? It's the best thing that ever happened to them. Hillary goes to bed every night praying for Donald's continued good health.

Submission + - Things Sysadmins and Developers Would Change About One Another

Esther Schindler writes: Even in the best of organizations, the development and operations departments have friction. Each has its own goals, metrics for success, and team culture. Plus, ops is in the business of making things predictable and unchanging, while developers are in the business of changing everything. Those opposing priorities make it harder for dev and ops to communicate freely. Despite the industry’s ongoing efforts to bring the communities together, developers continue to grumble about ops, who simultaneously grumble about devs.

Grumbling doesn’t help to resolve the tension (or desire to throttle someone). Understanding does. So both developers and sysadmins were asked to imagine that they were granted a single wish: You have the power to give your company’s [ops team | development team] an understanding of one thing — just one thing — that currently irks you. What spell would you cast with that magic wand?

The results are in two articles: 3 Way Ops Can Help Devs: A Developer Perspective and 3 Ways Devs Can Help Ops: An Operations Perspective. Maybe it's not surprising that the shared component is: Listen to each other more. Share what you're up to, and what the goal is. (Kumbaya optional.)

But maybe some of the specifics can help you grok where the other folks are coming from. For instance:

As a developer named John writes, “Software development sometimes needs to be allowed to bend the rules/regulations in order to operate efficiently/quickly. Too many times, the rules (e.g., who has access, when, what can be installed, etc.) cause ridiculous delays in cycle time for development or support.”


A classic example is when developers assume always-on connectivity. “The network is not a static monolith that never changes,” one ops staffer noted. “We’re planning a data center network upgrade. It will require disconnecting every server and reconnecting them to the new switches.” That could cause some apps to think the entire world has ended and crash in an untidy heap.

Would you have included different magic spells?

Comment Re:rsync got dropped, not added (Score 2) 87

I like how they have a bullet point leading with "support for rsync", only to state and the end of the sentence that it's a removal. It's like if the founding fathers had written :

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed, is something that we've decided not to include in this bill or rights because it turned out it's totally broken and nobody ever noticed or complained."

Submission + - Names That Break Computers (bbc.com)

Thelasko writes: The BBC has a story about people with names that break computer databases.

When Jennifer Null tries to buy a plane ticket, she gets an error message on most websites. The site will say she has left the surname field blank and ask her to try again.

These people are real life Bobby Tables.

Comment Re:Here's why (Score 1) 688

Most (all?) the recent terrorist acts in the west have been homegrown, not imports.

You are straw-manning. GP didn't ask if banning Muslim immigration would reduce terrorism -- didn't even mention the word in fact. GP asked why banning Muslim immigration from conflict areas is a bad idea. You might as well have answered that most dog bites come from dogs and not from Muslims, therefore we should let Muslims in.

It plays into the narrative that ISIS is trying to paint

That's a legitimate answer, but still not a good one. You seem to be assuming that a goal of this policy is to defeat ISIS. This answer holds no weight to people who don't care what ISIS wants.

dgatwood had the proper answer. Banning immigration based on religion is against our values, and our law. Engaging in a discussion about whether Muslims are good or bad is just playing into the hands of the fear mongers.

Comment Re:One down. (Score 1) 581

That was the conventional wisdom about a month ago. Problem now is, Cruz is doing OK, and he is the most anti-establishment candidate of them all. If you add up all the establishment candidate votes, it's well under 50%, even if you gave them Carson. All Don and Ted have to do is make a deal on who is at the top and bottom of the ticket, combine delegates, and they win the nomination.

Of course, they lose the general, along with the House probably, which is awesome.

Comment Re:Who is really financing this? (Score 1) 110

Furthermore building manufacturing plants in the middle of the desert is nuts. Sure you can get some solar power but it just stretches already thin water resources even further.

Nevada doesn't have an *water* problem, they contribute more water to the Colorado river than they take out of it. Their problem is that California, which is totally overpopulated and drought stricken, desperately needs Nevada's water, and lobbies the Feds to get Nevada to use less of the river. What Nevada has is a *political influence* problem. Maybe this Chinese guy can help with that ;)

Also, Las Vegas is powered by the Hoover dam. The worst place you could put this factory is in one of the cold climate states, where the power would almost certainly come from coal.

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