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Comment Re:Just different versions of the future (Score 1) 776

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a feminist monster truck rally - forever" - Me after watching Mad Max

That sounds kind of awesome, tbh.

That depends to me on whether or not they're the prudish kind of feminist. I prefer the sexual freedom type, for obvious reasons, and obviously that's the kind you want to mix with CAR CRUSHIN', MUD SLINGIN' ACTION.

Comment Re:Sorry MRAs (Score 1) 776

You can see they are bragging about the attention they got.

Yes, because it's the only attention they can get. It only makes them seem more sad and pathetic. I say let it ride.

On the other hand, whatever people want to do, don't go there and leave comments. Leave your comments about them elsewhere and use nofollow on your links.

Comment Re:Men's Rights activitst? (Score 1) 776

How about a retraction Slashdot for not doing your fucking research.

You must be new here

Wait, that isn't a parody site?

Clearly not a men's rights page. He even has reasons why not.

Clearly a butthurt whinefest page. Crying about gay marriage and feminists doesn't convince anyone that you're masculine.

Comment Re:"Incredibly feminist action film"- Charlize The (Score 1) 776

How was it a "bait and switch" if the fact that there are important female characters was widely publicized before the film's opening?

I knew there was a Mad Max movie, but I didn't know anything about "important female characters" in it. And I do watch movies, but I watch them on Netflix. I don't go to theaters. I don't live near any which are worth going to. I have a big TV and a DTS surround system at home. Why would I go out to rub elbows with the unwashed masses of asses? By the same token, I ignore mainstream media, which is bullshit, and I block ads, which are bullshit. Consequently, I knew nothing of this.

Don't be proud to have been inundated by commercials. That's just sad.

Comment Re:The Road Warrior (Score 1) 776

Indeed. What they should have done was get the writer/director of the original film, who I gather had been trying to get a sequel made for over a decade, to come and write and direct the new one. Clearly whoever they got to write this didn't really understand Max's character at all.

I have just three words for you, and they are "star wars prequels". I don't know if this movie is good or not, but that argument is awful.

Comment Re:"6.41%" (Score 1) 113

Some people don't give a shit about life and so they don't give a shit about school. But some of those people fucking off in class already know the material and are just there because the class is mandatory, it costs just as much to challenge the course as it does to take it, and if you fail at challenging it then you have to pay twice. Also, many people don't even know there is a process for testing out of a class.

When you make attendance mandatory, you get people fucking off in class.

Comment Thanks, Microsoft (Score 1) 109

So Microsoft is saying that if they were better at writing software, my attention span would be better? Because I blame all the workflows interrupted by a blue screen... Shit, just saw one yesterday. Apparently running Firefox, Chrome, and a DX11 game at the same time is a bit hard on the nvidia driver. It doesn't crash immediately, just randomly.

Comment Re:Ability to multitask (Score 1) 109

Multitasking is only possible if at least one of the tasks is so well learned that it is almost automatic, like walking or eating but it's epic fail for the most part when we try to both walk and eat)

I can handle walking and eating, no problem. But if I try to talk at the same time I tend to bite something besides my food. Guess from now on it's make -j2 for me.

At best all we are doing is task switching, and that pretty bloody inefficiently.

Some jobs are easier to task-switch than others. It depends on how much context they have, and how realtime they are. Sometimes, tiny amounts of latency have massive effects, sometimes they're fairly irrelevant.

Comment Re:Hope it's better... (Score 1) 119

I bet the same thing happens with Firefox OS and these new TVs.

I bet it doesn't. I bet what happens is that you want an upgrade, and don't get one.

Barring a standard port like a cablecard slot that lets me plug an embedded computer into my TV, I certainly don't want a smart TV, because updates.

You can build a SFF PC for under $100 that will play 1080p video just fine. Why would you ever buy a smart TV? It's just going to be an idiot in short order.

Comment Re:Two sided coin (Score 1) 529

I always wondered; do these apply to federal government jobs that happen to be located in that state?

Yes, yes they do. They only don't apply to military jobs. Ironically, actual enlisted military don't have the same rights as you and I. They are slaves. They have to give up the right even to know what drugs they're being injected with, let alone to quit their jobs.

Comment Re:Affirmative Action (Score 1) 529

Is now the time to point out that correlation is not the same as causation?


Maybe it's not actually the skin color that's determining success...

Look, even black people will talk shit about how black someone blacker than them is. Worldwide, light skin is part of racial privilege. This goes back at least to the ancient greeks.

Or is it now racist to not obsessively tie everything to race?

It's racist to willfully ignore the effects of race, and racism.

Comment Re:Affirmative Action (Score 0) 529

The infant needs were handed by the people who brought him into the world, not depending on a government to provide that,

Really? The government was no part of that?

so you look a little ridiculous to what was stated by the parent.

You look a little ridiculous suggesting that anyone not living as a hermit in a cave or on a mountaintop (etc.) has received nothing from society.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
