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Comment Re:Who cares. (Score 4, Insightful) 1134

True. I play games and never heard of those people before.
I also walk on the street and never got mugged or shot at, it doesn't mean it's not happening somewhere else. The fact it's not important to everyone doesn't mean it's not important at all.
Laws are created based on events that might only have happened to a small number of people, and while the vast majority never heard of those laws, they still exist.

Comment Re:Hahahahahahaha (Score 2) 230

What, none of all 5 of them?

Now seriously, if you want to develop malware, you'd first think of "how many potential victims would I have?".
Also... a Linux box is a Linux box. The difference between "server" and "desktop" lies in which software it runs, period. One could become the other just by installing something or enabling something.

Question for you: if I have a Linux server and install KDE on it, or X - would you name it a "Desktop"? Or is it still a server? Or both? I'm confused.

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1) 205

I'm Romanian, and I hate Russia more than any US citizen does, because we were directly affected by communism for almost 5 decades. And yes, in my language it's "Irak". Sorry if that offends you.

Also that feeling of entitlement "USA should be police of the world" is the sole reason so many countries hate the USA with a passion.
Civil wars are civil wars. Dictatorships are dictatorships. Yes, that sucks for the population, but it's an internal affair. No foreign country has any right to set foot on any other country's sovereign territory unless the latter attacks another country and the attacked one officially asks for support. Furthermore, once the invader has been driven off, the activity should stop there. Yes, impose sanctions if you wish, embargo the shit out of them, but don't set foot on their territory.

The USA has meddled with too many countries' internal affairs for unilateral reasons. "We think you're uncivilized so we're gonna civilize you according to our views". No. That's wrong. It might uplift them (or so you'd think) but it would trample their (probably weird and backward, to you) way of living. Let them be "uncivilized" if they wish so. But no, you haven't, and billions of people dislike you now, and it will take decades for that dislike to wear off, provided, of course, the USA would stop further meddling activity completely.

I think there's more people in the world who dislike the USA than people who dislike Russia. Think about that.
Freebie food for thought: http://thomasswan.hubpages.com...

(Disclaimer: I don't hate, dislike, loathe USA. I surely hate, dislike, loathe Russia)

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1) 205

" Support for Putin in Russia shot up when he invaded the "brotherly nation"."

Same was for Bush support when he decided to send troops to Irak.
Average people rejoice when they smell blood. It's the same for pretty much every nation out there.
When YOUR people invade OTHER people, it's a good thing. When OTHER people invade YOUR people, it's a bad thing. When neither are YOUR people, you support the ones who you like more (or hate less, or bring you more power, or are allied to, etc)

Comment Re:News for nerds ... (Score 1) 205

In the quiet words of Virgin Mary... come again?
You might wanna read this list: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/L...
That, to start with. Of course, if "lately" doesn't mean "last 6 months" or something like that.

When many other people get flat-out killed in too-many-to-count conflicts all around the world, you'd think this is a big story?
To me, a death is bigger than an imprisonment, regardless of person. The idea of "celebrity" is artificial, as far as I'm concerned.

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