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Comment Re:In Japan (Score 2) 331

The connected people are more likely to have experience and be more used to being around guns. They also have known hunting partners/mentors.

The prices are about 4x or so what they are in the US. This is mainly due to registrations / tagging / adding serial numbers etc. The thing is the animals they take they also get very very good prices on - so active hunters who are even moderately good will tend to retire from their day jobs (which is a dream of many hunters in the US).

Comment Re:In Japan (Score 1) 331

No. The people getting these licenses are certainly not rich. The licenses are granted to indviduals who will actually use them when needed. Certain animals such as boars need to have populations controlled etc. The only reason family members and friends of existing license holders get preference is because they've been around and understand how the guns work AND will have an accessable mentor and hunting partner from the get-go.

Comment Re:In Japan (Score 5, Interesting) 331

Actually depending on the area you can still get hunting licenses - the thing is there is a limit and family and friends of existing hunters usually get preference. One of my employees happens to be the son of a hunter in Nagano and he's got a license. When he goes home during winter holiday he'll often bring us back some boar or deer meat. Having grown up for part of my life in Colorado the deer meat is especially appreciated, and boar meat goes great in a winter nabe.

That said, even with a license they have extreme limits on what kinds of guns and how much ammo they can have. Ammo needs to have serial numbers and can only be purchased at very specfic places - and the prices are outrageous. The yearly license fees on the guns are apprently pretty expensive too.

Comment Re:language != abuse (Score 1) 387

Aaaaaah, wow... That's actually pretty terrible. We just went through quite a bit to get a tool called Phantom SVG generating sort of a hackish frame animation system working - but in the process we went through a lot of the SVG spec and analyzed the DOM etc. During that process we realized a lot of people are using CSS and JavaScript to do things that SVG already does... and also found a whole bunch functionality that does the exact same thing replicated 5 different ways. On top of that Google did an absolutely awful job of implementing SVG event handling and chaining.

I'm all for cleaner DOMs and well defined specs but if people keep mixing web stuff like CSS and JavaScript into SVGs they may as well just be HTML to begin with - which is an awful awful solution and anyone who comes to that conclusion because all they deal with is web browsers should be beaten. SVG should render, animation included, with SVG specific libraries (RSVG, etc.) that only parse the SVG specific DOM. If I can't open your SVG in Inkscape because you have some strange CSS transform and some extension that only works on the web the first thing I'm going to do is vaccume/lint it, re-save it and tell you to fix it in raw SVG. Seriously.

BTW, check out the source for this:
Pure SVG animation [written by hand]. SVG can do that all on its own. I hope people stop disreguarding this functionality and stop treating SVG like a second class citizen to HTML/CSS/JS.

Comment Re:language != abuse (Score 1) 387

Wow, that is an awesome follow up comment. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

From what gets standardized and the sometimes very long time it takes to get standardized I always just assumed the W3C was kind of a hostile place. I've also heard stories about a few issues (particularly about two specific media file formats) where apparently the discussion was not a friendly one due to a specific party having an agenda. After hearing those stories I think I just assumed that was what the W3C was like in general. Then there's the issue of things that are in the standard that browser makers decided selectively not to implement even after years of being in the standard and issues being put on trackers and ignored or set to "invalid" or "will not fix" or whatever - I always just sort of assumed this was a "fuck you" from that particular maker.

One point in your post brings up some questions for me: you mention Google (and often Mozilla) deciding to drop support for freatures... and mention SVG. Google/Mozilla are looking to drop support for SVG? Or did you mean they are pressing for more SVG support? FF SVG support is excellent, Chrome not so much but it pretty much works so I'm not sure why they would want to get rid of it...?

Anyway, thanks for one of the most interesting responses I've gotten in a while.

Comment Re:language != abuse (Score 2) 387

This. Absolutely this.

Though in the case of GNOME if you know about the development team and how depressingly under-funded and under-staffed they are I can understand. Case in point is GNOME Terminal - transparency was removed and bug report was immediately closed. The thing was the whole back end to Terminal was re-written and re-implementing transparency (it's "working" in edge right now btw.) was a super low priority issue compared to other more major issues. They certainly could have won some sympathy by actually providing an explanation as simple as "we've got some more pressing issues but we're looking at implemeting this in the future" - so bad on them there for sure but they did in fact eventually get around to it.

But as for Pottering and the W3C you are damn right. Pottering is the self proclaimed genius Kanye West of Open Source and the W3C is 80% composed of members who only want their own features implemented their own way for their own beneft and absolutely hate every other member so much they will impede any of their proposals out of pure spite.

Comment Re:Maybe I imagined it... (Score 1) 387

I don't think you understand the problem, but first off this whole argument is moot though because you can release things as separate modules for the kernel. If your super-awesome idea doesn't get upstreamed it's probably for a good reason - and if you still think it should be then release a module and see it get popular and *proven*. This has happened many many times and it is exactly the way it should continue to happen - if you think your idea is awesome and your code is flawless then prove it and come back.

Poettering and his team are fucks who don't care if they release code that breaks shit and that absoultely CAN NOT happen. They pushed a bunch of patches that caused showstopper bugs which could have crippled tens of thousands of servers etc. had they been upstreamed. Then when Linus told them he wouldn't even consider upstreaming any of their code until they cleaned up their act and started being more clean and careful they get all pissy and say they won't work with Linus again.

Honestly I don't see why people are taking the sides of a self-proclaimed rock-star coder VS someone who called out said rock-stair coder for pushing code that epicly breaks shit and used "mean" words in the process. Poettering needs to realize if he released shit code he deserves to be called a fucking jackass; and the appropriate response to that is to fucking fix your code and stop assuming he's so awesome he doesn't need to test his code or hear out the people telling him there are problems.

Comment Re:If Oracle wins, Bell Labs owns the world. (Score 1) 146

The Oracle/Google decision by the appellate court is tantamount to conferring patent protections for a copyright. That is, because Louis L'Amour copyrighted his western novels, nobody else can pen a western.

That is a fantastically easy to understand analogy! Somebody needs to mod you up.

Comment Re:Oracle (Score 1) 146

Visual J++:

First paragraph starts with:
"While J++ conformed to the Java language specification, Microsoft did not implement certain features of the official Sun Java implementation in its Visual J++ product line. Remote Method Invocation (Java RMI) and Java Native Interface (JNI) are such examples.[2][3]

In addition, J++ implemented other extensions that were not part of Sun's Java implementation. The inclusion of callbacks and delegates for event handling further contributed to defining J++ as a completely different language merely based on an already existing design concept."

Not really worth reading past that... Also someone further down in the comments here covered it in detail.

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