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Comment Re:False dilemma (Score 1) 504

Not only do you need it to grow, you need the company (innvestment) to be honest and forthcoming about the risks. This report like many other was more than likely exploring risks and informing share holders.

In other words, it seems as if the utility being ethical in its fudiciary duties is being used to attemp to make them appear evil.

Comment Re:Makes Sense to Me (Score 1) 342

They don't seem to have any problem finding what they're looking for, so why should they settle for a guy like me?

What makes you think they're finding what they're looking for? I think the high divorce stats in this country prove the exact opposite. They're picking the shiny and glamorous, and then changing their minds later on. Then they find themselves 35+, divorced (because they just couldn't stand the guy any more, or he dumped her for some reason), and bitter.

The last thing I want to do is finally land one and then disappoint her.

No offense, but I think you need to work on your self-confidence. This is coming from someone who has his own issues with that, so you're not alone.

and I would be suspicious of their sincerity anyway.

That's very wise. Leaving the country isn't that easy (unless you go to a 3rd-world cesspit), but if you have valuable tech skills it can be done pretty easily.

Comment Re:Stupid? (Score 3, Interesting) 204

"They never leave the city (except to be sent to slaughter.) "
not always true.

"Their stalls are appalling."
That's a blatant lie.

" Often, they don't 'like' pulling, "
You have never worked around horse, have you?

"which is an appalling stable in this case."
again,l that's a blatant lie.

hmm, someone with the name VeganCyclist whose opinion is devoid of facts. I'm shocked.

Comment Re:Stupid? (Score 2) 204

I can not imagine dealing with what a carriage driver does and not caring for horses. It would be a stupid, tiring, frustrating, and poor job to take.
They would be better off driving a cab.

What if those dog breeders had to take their dogs out into the public most days where the where scrutinized?
Plus, an abused horse make a poor animal to pull a carriage.

" especially the external dangers they face from cars or becoming panicked in the city."
How many of these trained horses panic? How many hit by automobiles?
FYI: 4 in 30 years.

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