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Comment Re:Four years isn't so bad. (Score 1) 88

I mean, it's not like Flash is one of the most widely used channels of attack across the entire spectrum of malwar, oh wait...



NPAPI Flash on Linux has always been updated getting updates nearly 6 to 10 times a year for the past few years. And its not like there not attacks on HTML and JS, more prone to malware suring with JS and using HTML than using flash.

Comment Re:Surprise! (Score 0, Flamebait) 294

Palemoon is a thing that exists. If you're a Windows user, it's clearly the best way forward for those seeking refuge from Mozilla's mismanagement.

I'm not sure what Thunderbird needs. As far as I can tell, it's fine. It's not buggy and all the features I want to use work. Other than security fixes, what more do I want out of a mature mail client?

Palemoon is a slower, buggier, less secure and outdated fork of Firefox. Palemoon is good for the ignorant mouth breathers out there.

Submission + - Why winners become cheaters (

JoeyRox writes: A new study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem reveals a paradoxical aspect of human behavior — people who win in competitive situations are more likely to cheat in the future. In one experiment, 86 students were split up into pairs and competed in a game where cheating was impossible. The students were then rearranged into new pairs to play a second game where cheating was possible. The result? Students who won the first game were much more likely to cheat at the second game. Additional experiments indicated that cheating was also more likely if students simply recalled a memory of winning in the past. The experiments further demonstrated that subsequent cheating was more likely in situations where the outcome of previous competitions was determined by merit rather than luck.

Submission + - TPP blocks access to source code (

An anonymous reader writes: The TPP agreement states: "No Party shall require the transfer of, or access to, source code of software owned by a person of another Party, as a condition for the import, distribution, sale or use of such software, or of products containing such software, in its territory." There are many commercial products that ship with GPL code. Is this a way to circumvent the GPL?

Comment Re:By converting Firefox to Chrome .... (Score 1) 471

The Australis UI was the first step. Now this. Soon, a looming XUL deprecation which is an even worse idea -- I wonder what's the point of using Firefox will be then.

XUL needs to die, XUL and XPCOM is why extensions break every time there is a update to the browser. Heck even the guys that invented XUL and XPCOM say that its outdated ad crappy.

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