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Comment Re:Hank Aaron was ... (Score 1) 25

If there is anyone I take less seriously than damn_registrars, it is Harry Reid. He actually said the Koch brothers "are about as un-American as anyone that I can imagine."

Oh, I can think of someone far more un-American than they are. Looking right at you, "Senator."

Is there a bigger asshole in politics than Harry Reid? OK, Alan Grayson ... I mean someone with power and importance, though.

Comment Re:It's a crutch... (Score 1) 62

I was at, and performed in, one of the very first Tea Party events. I also performed at another shortly after the first. I attended a third shortly after. Black people were on the stage at each of the three (in particular, an elected representative, the wife of the organizer, and an MC). I guess they all hated black people.

Kristol is right: it's bullshit.

That's not to say there aren't some racist people who associate with the Tea Party. But then again, there's a bunch of liberal racists around here in Seattle (in particular, there are anti-Israeli racists, and there are racists who think that blacks are required to think a certain way or else they are "Uncle Tom").

Racists are everywhere. Yes, including in the Tea Party. But there is zero substantive evidence that racism played a significant role in the rise of the Tea Party. It's all circumstantial: it happened when a black man became President. But it would've happened if Edwards or Clinton had won the election, too. I know this because I am one of them, and I know lots of them.

Comment Re:Cool It, Linus! (Score 1) 129

Since I doubt that this sub-question will get through the editor, I'll give you my answer now. My objection was to the use of bitkeeper due to its license. This is not the same as being in favor of violating the license. What Tridge did (invoking the "HELP" command on a TCP stream connection to the bitkeeper server) was not a license violation.

Comment All hail the multi-verse. (Score 1) 199

I wonder, if they framed this research another way, if it could solve the question of whether or not the universe is a simulation.

Enough with your silly dichotomies! it's both. In multi-verse theory, there must be some realities in which our universe is a simulation, and ones in which it is not a simulation.

Comment Re:So why use trees? (Score 3, Insightful) 112

algae has many great aspect. It's achilles heels are 1) separation is very expensive 2) it's hard to get enough C02 into the water to do this at scale 3) it can get infected easily 3) inhomgenous growth requires active stiring or other tricks to bring a pond to harvest all at the same time 4) it's not that fast to grow-- poplars and switch grass are more efficient bio mass producers. Ethanol can be made from waste products too.

The upside of algae is that were starting to learn how to use some of it's byproducts and this offsets the costs. and incremental progress is being made on all these aspects. We haven't been growing algae as long as plants so there's potential headroom to grow. It can grow in seawater. lipids are better fuel than alchohol. And finally it's potentially less energetically expensive to sperarate lipids from water than alchohol from water. That step accounts for something like 1/3 of the cost of ethanol.

Comment I don't print my own photos (Score 1) 400

You have to be nuts or in an impossible hurry to print casual keepsake photographs with your inkjet printer on photopaper when you can get infinitely nicer one for pennies from Winkflash or Apple or whatever.

I'm sure the same will be true of 3D printing, hobbyists and pros will print their own. The rest of us will go down to Kinkos and pick up our completed part.

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