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Comment Sounds good (Score 5, Insightful) 760

Whether you view the fines as a deterrent or a punishment, it makes sense that under a flat-fine structure, rich people will be unaffected by fines that are crippling for poor people to pay.

If a class of people can simply ignore the penalties doled out for breaking a law, that system needs reworking.

There are probably some devils lurking in the details (some very rich people have little income; is spending money a good proxy, some people live just within their means and others save quite a bit, etc etc), but the basic idea seems very sound.

Comment Re:My two cents... Black Racism is out of Control (Score 1) 606

Parent was a self-pitying white person who's upset that they have to wear a suit and have a dumb haircut in order to be taken seriously at their cushy well-paying job (because, honestly, who else wears a suit?). Also, some ladies wear fake tans because being as white as a ghost isn't the most attractive thing ever. I mean it's because of anti-white racism I guess??

The rest of their "fairly cogent counter-rant" was "but not ALL whites," "*I* never lynched a black person, therefore racism don't real," and "Black people are just primitive but I'm not racist for saying that."

Like. That's pretty dang racist, and they aren't gonna magically flip their worldview by talking to me on Slashdot. They don't deserve anything better than a smug look and a snarky comment.

Comment Re:My two cents... Black Racism is out of Control (Score 1) 606

As another queer trans white person - you're totally and completely wrong.

I'm not sure how you think that your anecdotal experience with lack of discrimination for being queer invalidates centuries of racism and oppression, but you need to stay in your lane. Don't talk about shit you don't know about - you're an embarrassment.

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