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Comment Re:It's not feminism at this point. (Score 1) 724

No? You're still railing at an enemy that doesn't exist, using them to justify your invalidation of other people's identities. Whether or not some of your opponents would side with this imaginary person is largely irrelevant.

Again, y'all are doing *real* harm to *real* people. "Transtrenders" ain't hurting you, so leave them alone.

Comment Re:Issue? (Score 1) 742

Yes, in the United States, most employees are "at-will" - meaning that either the employer or employee may terminate the employment contract at any time, for any reason (save for discrimination against protected attributes, such as race, religion, etc).

I don't like it either, but that's how the laws of the land are, and the possibly unethical actions of the employer do not mean that Comcast was behaving unethically.

Comment Re:It's not feminism at this point. (Score 1) 724

Yeah, if that person actually existed. But they don't, and the fact that you've got to resort to such incredible hyperbole is kind of telling.

You do know that, like, almost every famous "transethnic/transracial" person is quite obviously an anti-SJ troll, as soon as you look into it? Y'all sit around making fake accounts & posts, fall for your own trolls, then post it up proudly "See this is why tumblr is terrible." The demons you're battling *aren't real.*

And yeah, some people actually do identify as "tumblr genders" - demigirl, or agender, or whatever. So what? That's between them and their friends & family - it affects the people in their lives, but not ours! Literally, the only thing that anti-truscum are asking, is "Mind your own business."

Comment Re:Issue? (Score 1) 742

Trust me, I'm no fan of Comcast, nor corporations in general - I'm voting socialist this election. But this dude was clearly out of line, and I'd expect a mom&pop store receiving such abuse to do the same.

In the end, it's the employer's "fault" for deciding that his actions were fire-worthy - Comcast just said "hey, look at what your employee is doing."

Comment Issue? (Score 3, Insightful) 742

The submitter says "be careful when you exercise your first amendment rights," which attempts to frame the issue as one of "free speech."

Really, it sounds like the guy called up Comcast, was a total asshole, bad enough that a guy at Comcast told his employer what kind of person they kept employed. Bad enough that his employer would fire him for it, so we can only guess at the content, but I'm willing to bet it was pretty abusive. Those customer service people put up with a whole hell of a lot on a daily basis, so this was probably something above and beyond the normal abuse people hurl at Comcast (justly or unjustly).

You could argue that the employer should have shown the guy the email summary, but that's on the employer's conscience.

Like, I know that Comcast is a terrible company, and it sounds like he was right to be pretty upset with them for the terrible customer service he received. But given that he makes no attempt to explain or defend what he said on those calls, I'm guessing he crossed *way* over the line. If you're a terrible person, maybe you should be fired.

Comment Re:Critics should take positive action (Score -1, Flamebait) 993

Because I love something, doesn't mean I trust it blindly. You can love your wife, but if you see signs that things might be going amiss, you would dig a little deeper to determine if there is really something nefarious going on or if there is just change happening. Or at least, I would. If your wife's phone is going off all hours of the night and she's been working "late" every night for the last 3 months with no history of having done that in the past, would you just blindly trust that everything is fine, because you love her?

Would you hire a hitman to kill her, then?

Comment Re:It's not feminism at this point. (Score 1) 724

Shrugs. That's how they identify themselves, guess I was misinformed on that point, if can be believed.

I have gender dysmorphia, binary-identified, have medically transitioned, and I'm not a "die cis scum"mer. Strangely enough, I don't get hate or anyone accusing me of being "truscum." Do you know why? It's because I'm not shitting on other people's identities, and I recognize that there are human beings who are trans who have different experiences than I do.

"Truscum" is only used to denote trans people who are policing *other* trans people's identities. Anyone saying that they're being attacked simply for *being* traditionally binary trans is... misrepresenting, at best. We don't take issue with people having dysmorphia or being binary trans folk - we only take issue with people saying that there's only one correct way to be trans, and everyone else is just pretending.

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